Pic. 32
Pic. 34
Pic. 36
Pic. 38
Clean the gaskets carefully.
Do not use aggressives detergents or abrhasive products.
Softly wet the surfaces by the use of a brush. It is recommended to proceed
with the cleaning of all gaskets with abundant water.
NOTE: Do not use too hot water to clean the plastic components .
How to remove and clean the tap components
1 - Pull out the pin
for handle fixing
(see Pict. 32).
3 - Unthread the
main tap pin by
pulling it downwards
(see Pict.34)
Clean the suction
cap gasket as
in Picture 36.
clean the lower
gasket for tap as
in Picture 38
Pic. 33
Pic. 35
Pic. 37
Pic. 39
2 - Pull the handle
from its place
(see Pict. 33).
4 - Repeat the
same operation for
the tap spring
(see Pict. 35)
How to clean each part
Clean the tap o-ring
on both sides as
shown in Picture
clean the bowl
gasket along all the
edges as shown in
Picture 39