12. Pull out the pressure tube from the 90° elbow insert. Unthread and remove the elbow insert from the pump body.
13. Wrap the threads of the 1/4 in. pressure gauge (included) or plug with thread tape and thread it tin the elbow insert hole.
Cut off the expanded portion of the pressure tube.
. Fill the pipe with water until water overflows. Replace the plug back to the tee.
Fill the pump with water until water overflows.
NOTE: It may take several minutes to fill the pipes and the pump completely.
NOTE: If the pump does not hold its prime, inspect all pipes and connections for leaks, and repair the leaks.
15. Wrap thread tape around the threads of a 1 in. pressure regulator (included). Using a pipe wrench, thread the 1 in.
pressure regulator into the top of the pump (A).
NOTE: This pressure regulator is a normally-closed valve installed at the discharge of the pump to provide an obstruction to
flow and thereby regulate the pump pressure and provide back pressure for the ejector. Failure to use this item may result in
a loss of prime and/or a low pressure.