TE-074 PRO
EC Conformity Declaration pursuant to the EC Machinery Directive
89/392 EEC
We hereby declare that VMB towerlifts
-model TE-074 PRO
satisfy the EC Machinery Directive 89/392 EEC regulations, relevant EC directives
and amendments when used for lifting and lowering loads as directed
TE-074 PRO towerlifts have been tested corresponding the regulations
BGV C1 (GUV 6.15) / BGG 912 (GUV 66.15)
obteining the Test Certification on 14/03/97
Examining and Certification have been made by
The towerlift TE-074 PRO supplied conform to the tested types.
VMB Española S.A.
Calle 2 - Pol. Ind. Picassent
E-46220 Picassent
IBB ingenieure sachverständige
Dipl. - Ing. univ. Olaf Brandt
Nollendorfstrasse 18
D-45472 Mülheim an der Ruhr