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25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838


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Resumen de contenidos para OP SPEEDY CLEAN

  • Página 1 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANUALE D’USO E MANUTENZIONE-USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL-MANUEL D’UTILIZATION ET DE MAINTENANCE-MANUAL DE USO Y MANTENIMIENTO-BETRIEBS UND WARTUNGSANWEISUNG SPEEDY CLEAN...
  • Página 2 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICE • Dichiarazione di conformità pag. 8 • Figura 1 pag. 10 • Figura 2 pag. 11 • Figura 3 pag.12 • Figura 4 pag.13 • Parti di ricambio pag.
  • Página 3 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDEX • Declaration of conformity to EC norms page 8 • Picture 1 page 10 • Picture 2 page 11 • Picture 3 page 12 • Picture 4 page 13 •...
  • Página 4 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLES DES MATIERES • Declaration de conformité aux norms CE pag. 8 • Picture 1 pag. 10 • Picture 2 pag. 11 • Picture 3 pag. 12 •...
  • Página 5 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ÍNDICE • Declaración de conformidad normas CE pag. 8 • Picture 1 pag. 10 • Picture 2 pag. 11 • Picture 3 pag.12 • Picture 4 pag.13 •...
  • Página 6: Tabla De Contenido

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INHALT • EG Konformitätserklärung Seite 8 • Picture 1 Seite 10 • Picture 2 Seite 11 • Picture 3 Seite 12 • Picture 4 Seite 13 •...
  • Página 7 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 8 Dichiariamo che il Fascicolo Tecnico è costituito presso OP s.r.l Via del Serpente 97, 25131 BRESCIA We declare that the technical documentation is established c/o OP s.r.l. Via del serpente 97, 25131 BRESCIA...
  • Página 9 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 10: Picture 1

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURE 1...
  • Página 11 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURE 2...
  • Página 12: Picture 3

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURE 3...
  • Página 13 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 14: Picture 4

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURE 4 ADATTATORE UNIVERSALE UNIVERSAL ADAPTER ADAPTATEUR UNIVERSEL ADAPTADOR UNIVERSAL ALLGEMEINHIN ADAPTER 1/4" 2"...
  • Página 15: Ersatzeile

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parti di ricambio – Spare parts – Pieces de rechenge – Partes de repuertos - Ersatzteile...
  • Página 16: Picture 5

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURE 5 POS.1 POS.2...
  • Página 17 Cliente e nella relativa Conferma d’Ordine del Venditore, oggetto delle presenti Condizioni Generali; “Venditore”: indica OP S.r.l., in qualità di produttore e venditore dei Prodotti o qualsiasi soggetto a cui OP S.r.l. dia incarico di agire come proprio mandatario.
  • Página 18 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ aver luogo anche in assenza dell’invio della Conferma d’Ordine, con l’esecuzione dell’ordine mediante la consegna dei Prodotti al vettore o allo spedizioniere. Una Conferma d’Ordine difforme dall’ordine quanto ad elementi diversi dall’oggetto, quantità, prezzo, si considera accettata se il Cliente nulla comunica per iscritto al Venditore entro i successivi 8 (otto) giorni dal ricevimento della Conferma d’Ordine.
  • Página 19 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Il Venditore non è responsabile nei confronti del Cliente e/o di qualsiasi terzo per i danni derivanti da: (i) non corretta installazione del Prodotto da parte del Cliente; (ii) modifiche apportate dal Cliente al Prodotto;...
  • Página 20 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ provveduto. Il Venditore, pertanto, ha facoltà di anticipare o posticipare ragionevolmente la consegna della totalità o di parte dei Prodotti, senza che ciò costituisca, a favore del Cliente, titolo per domandare la risoluzione totale o parziale del contratto, né...
  • Página 21 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dell’ordine anche se già confermato, o di subordinare la consegna dei Prodotti all’integrale pagamento anticipato del prezzo e di ogni altra somma dovuta o alla prestazione di idonee garanzie, quando riscontri inadempienze o ritardi nell’adempimento da parte del Cliente, relative sia agli ordini precedenti che a quelli in corso, o rilevi una riduzione da parte del Cliente delle garanzie che aveva dato o una mancanza delle garanzie che aveva promesso.
  • Página 22 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 23 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Verbale di accettazione Il sottoscritto riconosce e dichiara che: I Prodotti sono stati consegnati funzionanti e completi di ogni loro parte. I Prodotti sono accompagnati dal manuale d’uso e manutenzione, che sarà consegnato all’operatore prima dell’utilizzo di ciascun Prodotto, e che contiene, tra l’altro, l’indicazione dei rischi connessi con l’uso del Prodotto.
  • Página 24 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 25: Norme Di Sicurezza

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NORME DI SICUREZZA Assicurarsi sempre di lavorare in condizioni di sicurezza e non in modo precario; eseguire accuratamente i controlli di verifica. Lasciare il necessario spazio libero nella zona di lavoro. La Ditta costruttrice si esonera da ogni responsabilità...
  • Página 26 CARATTERISTICHE DELLA MACCHINA. SPEEDY CLEAN è un’attrezzatura adatta per rimuovere facilmente i residui derivanti dal taglio, dalla spellatura e dalla graffatura del tubo flessibile impiegati nei circuiti oleodinamici. La pulizia avviene attraverso una pistola su cui viene montato un adattatore in nylon universale in grado di lavare tubi di piccole e grandi dimensioni.
  • Página 27 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATI TECNICI / DIMENSIONALI SPEEDY CLEAN Dimensioni mm (L x P x H) 531x1037x960 Alimentazione pneumatica 6 bar max Consumo di aria in fase di lavoro 200Nl/min Pressione in uscità...
  • Página 28: Manutenzioni Periodiche

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANUTENZIONI PERIODICHE • Qualsiasi operazione di manutenzione deve essere eseguita con l’alimentazione pneumatica non inserita, in modo tale che il moltiplicatore non possa funzionare. • Per la manutenzione e la regolazione del liquido di lavaggio, per la pistola attenersi al manuale allegato alla macchina.
  • Página 29: Istruzioni Per L' Utilizzo

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISTRUZIONI PER L’ UTILIZZO Prima di cominciare le operazioni di lavaggio devono essere state lette molto attentamente le seguenti parti : • ILLUMINAZIONE • NORME DI SICUREZZA. •...
  • Página 30: Schema Pneumatico

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCHEMA PNEUMATICO...
  • Página 31 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 32: General Conditions Of Sale

    Client's purchase order and in the Seller’s Order Confirmation, object of these General Conditions; “Seller”: means OP S.r.l., as a manufacturer and Seller of the Products or any other subject instructed by OP S.r.l. to act on its behalf.
  • Página 33 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ exercised at its sole discretion, to accept or reject the proposal by transmission of the Order Confirmation. The fulfilment of any single sale will, however, take place even without the transmission of the Order Confirmation and shall be executed by delivering the Products to the carrier or freight forwarder.
  • Página 34 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Seller’s duties The Seller warrants that the Products comply with European law and security standards. The Seller shall provide a Product compliant with features and performances expressly indicated by it.
  • Página 35 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ delivery of all or part of Products, without thereby entitling the Client to demand the resolution of all or part of the Agreement nor the payment of compensation for damages or indemnification, or to invoke any other liability of Seller, unless the delay from the effective delivery and that established in the Order Confirmation is higher than 60 days.
  • Página 36 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Client’s promised warranties. Seller shall also have the right to proceed in case of significant amendments regarding the company’s structure of Client, its financial or patrimonial situation or commercial image, and also in case of inability to pay debts or in the event of issuance of interim remedies against the Client for the failure to comply with its financial obligations, suspension of payments, difficulties or delays in the fulfilment of obligations to...
  • Página 37 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acceptance record The undersigned, acknowledges and declares that: The Products have been delivered functioning and complete in each part. The Products are delivered with instruction and maintenance manual to be provided to the operator before the use of each Product.
  • Página 38 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Página 39: Safety Regulations

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAFETY REGULATIONS Always make sure that the machine is placed on a stable, safe surface and that it is not causing vibrations that, in addition to being bothersome and useless, may cause malfunctions.
  • Página 40: Characteristics Of The Machine

    CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MACHINE SPEEDY CLEAN is a device designed for rapid removal of residues of cutting, skiving and clamping hoses used in hydraulic circuits. Cleaning is done by means of a gun on which an adapter made of universal nylon is installed...
  • Página 41 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL DATA / DIMENSIONS SPEEDY CLEAN Dimensions in mm (W x D x H) 531x1037x960 Pneumatic supply 6 bar max Air consumption in use 200Nl/min Outlet pressure...
  • Página 42: Routine Maintenance

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE • For maintenance and regulation of the cleaning liquid, for the gun, see the manual enclosed with the machine. • For best results with the multiplier it is essential to use filtered air. The machine is equipped with an air preparation unit located just past the compressed air intake connector.
  • Página 43 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Before beginning the pressing, the following check list must be read very carefully: • ILLUMATION • SAFETY REGULATION. • • ROUTINE MAINTENANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF THE MACHINE •...
  • Página 44 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PNEUMATIC SCHEME...
  • Página 45: Regles De Securite

    5. Ne pas essayer d'utiliser l'équipement au-dessus des pressions de service autorisées; cela pourrait entraîner un grave danger pour l'opérateur. 6. Ce livret doit être remis à l'opérateur et conservé. Le propriétaire de la machine en est responsable. Faire prendre conscience à l'opérateur de ses responsabilités.
  • Página 46: Caractéristiques De La Machine

    CARACTÉRISTIQUES DE LA MACHINE SPEEDY CLEAN est une machine qui enlève facilement les résidus des opérations de coupe, écroûtage et agrafage des tubes flexibles employés dans les circuits hydrauliques. Le nettoyage s'accomplit au moyen d'un pistolet sur lequel est monté un adaptateur en nylon universel en mesure de laver les tubes de petites et grandes dimensions.
  • Página 47 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DONNEES TECHNIQUES / DIMENSIONNELLES SPEEDY CLEAN Dimensions mm (L x P x H) 531x1037x960 Alimentation pneumatique 6 bar max Consommation d'air pendant le service 200 Nl/min...
  • Página 48 S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OPERATIONS D’ENTRETIEN PERIODIQUE • Pour la maintenance et le réglage du liquide de nettoyage et du pistolet, respecter les instructions du manuel joint à la machine. •...
  • Página 49: Contrôles Préliminaires

    6 Arrêter l'opération lorsqu'on estime avoir atteint le niveau de propreté souhaité. 7 Faire écouler le liquide hors du tuyau en le laissant quelques secondes sur la goulotte d’écoulement prévue à cet effet ; au terme de cette opération, appuyer légèrement sur la détente du pistolet pour effectuer le soufflage.
  • Página 50: Schéma Pneumatique

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCHÉMA PNEUMATIQUE...
  • Página 51: Reglas De Seguridad

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD Comprobar que se trabaje siempre en condiciones de seguridad y con el espacio libre necesario alrededor de la máquina. La casa fabricante se exime de toda responsabilidad con relación a daños debidos a negligencia.
  • Página 52: Características De La Máquina

    CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LA MÁQUINA SPEEDY CLEAN es un equipo indicado para eliminar fácilmente los residuos derivados del corte, la peladura y el engrapado de los tubos flexibles utilizados en los circuitos hidráulicos.
  • Página 53: Datos Técnicos / Dimensionales

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATOS TÉCNICOS / DIMENSIONALES SPEEDY CLEAN Dimensiones mm (L x P x H) 531x1037x960 Alimentación neumática 6 bares máx Consumo de aire durante el trabajo 200 Nl/mín Presión de salida...
  • Página 54: Operaciones Periódicas De Mantenimiento

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OPERACIONES PERIÓDICAS DE MANTENIMIENTO • Para el mantenimiento y regulación del líquido de lavado para la pistola, atenerse al manual adjuntado a la máquina. • Para un buen funcionamiento del multiplicador es necesario usar aire filtrado. La máquina ya está...
  • Página 55: Instrucciones Para El Uso

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL USO Antes de dar comienzo a las operaciones de prensado, se tienen que haber leído muy atentamente las partes siguientes: • ILUMINACIÓN • NORMAS DE SEGURIDAD.
  • Página 56: Esquema Neumatico

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ESQUEMA NEUMATICO Ñ...
  • Página 57: Sicherheitsvorschriften

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SICHERHEITSVORSCHRIFTEN Obwohl die Maschine robust und leicht zu transportieren ist, muß stets darauf geachtet werden, unter absolut sicheren Arbeitsbedingungen und bei einer soliden Auflagefläche Eingriffe vorzunehmen. Die Herstellfirma lehnt jeden Garantieanspruch ab, der auf mangelhafte Wartung, fehlerhafte Bedienung etc.
  • Página 58: Kennzeichen Der Machine

    Die ausrüstung darf keinen witterungseinflüssen ausgesetzt werden, die für den schutzgrad der installierten komponenten ungeeignet sind. KENNZEICHEN DER MASCHINE SPEEDY CLEAN dient zur einfachen Entfernung von Rückständen, die beim Schneiden, Schälen und Verklammern von Schläuchen entstehen, die in ölhydraulischen Kreisläufen eingesetzt werden.
  • Página 59: Bewegung / Transport

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNISCHE DATEN / ABMESSUNGEN SPEEDY CLEAN Abmessungen mm (L x T x H) 531x1037x960 Druckluftzufuhr 6 bar max Luftverbrauch während der Arbeitsphase 200Nl/min Ausgangsdruck ~ 60 bar Fassungsvermögen des Tanks...
  • Página 60: Beleuchtung

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BELEUCHTUNG Die Ausstattung verfügt über keine Eigenbeleuchtung und muss deshalb in angemessen beleuchteten Räumen eingesetzt werden. Unter mangelhaften Sichtverhältnissen darf der Betrieb der Maschine nicht gestattet werden. PERIODISCHE WARTUNG •...
  • Página 61: Bedienungsanleitung

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Vor Beginn der Pressphase sind folgende Abschnitte sehr aufmerksam durchzulesen: • BELEUCHTUNG • SICHERHEITSVORSCHRIFTEN. • • PERIODISCHE WARTUNG KENNZEICHEN DER MASCHINE • BEWEGUNG / TRANSPORT •...
  • Página 62: Pneumatisches Schema

    S.r.l. 25131 BRESCIA - Via Serpente, 97 - Tel. 030/3580401 - Fax 030/3580838 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PNEUMATISCHES SCHEMA...

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