Changing and Monitoring Online Status
Your picture
Touch to change it.
Your current status
Previously used status.
Touch here to delete all
previously used status.
Status Icons
Icons in Google Talk, Gmail, and other applications indicate the Google Talk
status for you and your friends.
Available: Signed into Google Talk and available to chat
Away: Signed into Google Talk but not active
Busy: Signed into Google Talk but too busy to chat
Signed out of Google Talk
Invisible: Signed into Google Talk but appear signed out to others
Video Chat: Video chat is available.
Voice Chat: Voice chat is available.
Changing Google Talk Settings
To change the Google Talk settings, touch the Menu Key
list and touch Settings.
Displays your current account.
Your current status.
Touch here to change your status.
Touch here to change the status message.
Touch here to access previously used
status text.
from the friends