x Connecting a computer using the PC 1
If you intend to connect a computer equipped with a DVI
connector (digital RGB), follow the instructions below.
Using the supplied DVI-D video signal cable (digital
RGB) and the supplied audio cord, connect the
computer to the display's PC 1 connectors.
to the DVI-D
to the computer's DVI output
connector (digital RGB)
DVI-D video signal
cable (digital RGB)
to the audio output
of the computer
audio cord (supplied)
x Connecting a computer using the PC 2
If you intend to connect a computer equipped with an HD15
connector (analog RGB), follow the instructions below.
Using the supplied HD15-HD15 video signal cable
(analog RGB) and the supplied audio cord, connect the
computer to the display's PC 2 connectors.
to the
audio input
for PC 1
to the computer's HD15 output
connector (analog RGB)
to the
audio input
for PC 2
audio cord (supplied)
to the audio output
of the computer
to the HD15
HD15-HD15 video
signal cable (analog
RGB) (supplied)