ABM - Direccionamiento binario y mensaje relativo a la seguridad AIS
1 2 3
1. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 - 9)
2. Sentence number (1 - 9)
3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 3)
4. The MMSI of destination AIS unit for the ITU-R M.1371 message (9 digits / null)
5. AIS channel for broadcast of the radio message (0 - 3 / null)
6. VDL message number (6 / 12 / null), see ITU-R M.1371
7. Encapsulated data (1 - 63 bytes)
8. Number of fill-bits (0 - 5)
ALC - Lista de alerta cíclica
$**ALC,xx,xx,xx,xx, aaa,x.x,x.x,x.x,''''''''',*hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4
1. Total number of sentences this message (01 - 16)
2. Sentence number (01 - 16)
3. Sequential message identifier (00 - 99)
4. Number of alert entries (0 - 3)
5. Manufacturer mnemonic code (FEC, null)
6. Alert identifier (1 - 999 or 10001 - 10999)
7. Alert instance (null)
8. Revision counter (1 - 99)
9. Additional alert entries (see Note)
Note: Alert entry 0 - n: Each alert entry consists of
- Manufacturer Identifier (see ALF Manufactuer
- Alert Identifier (see ALF Alert identifier)
- Alert instance (see ALF instance)
- Revision counter (see ALF revision counter)
Each entry identifies a certain alert with a certain state.
It is not allowed that an alert entry is split between two ALC sentences.
ALF - Sentencia de alerta
1 2 3
1. Total number of ALF sentences this message (1, 2)
2. Sentence number (1, 2)
3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9)
4. Time of last change (000000.00 - 240001.00 / null)
null when #2 is 2
5. Alert category (A/ B/null)
A=Alert category A, B=Alert category B, null when #2 is 2
6. Alert priority (A/W/C/null)
A=Alarm, W=Warning, C=Caution, null when #2 is 2
7. Alert state (A/S/O/U/V/N/null)
O=Active-responsiblity transferred
V=Not acknowledged
N=Normal state
null when #2 is 2
8. Manufacturer mnemonic code (FEC/null)
9. Alert identifier (1 - 999 or 10001 - 10999)
10. Alert instance (null)
11. Revision counter (1 - 99)
12. Escalation counter (0 - 9)
13. Alert text (max. 16 characters)
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13
Alert entry 1
See Note