> No pressure build-up or too small a stroke movement on the slave?
> Air in system
> The slave cylinder play (4 – 6 mm) is too big
> Carry out bleeding again as described. Repeat steps "filling and bleeding"
> To set play on slave cylinder see the HYMEC MANUAL, see page 7 (point 4)
How can I establish if air has entered the HYMeC system and requires bleeding ?
> Please check the free play at the clutch lever. It should be possible to move the clutch lever (measured
at the end) 8 to 10 mm before the slave cylinder begins to operate. Should this free play extend to 15 mm
or beyond there is air in the hymec system and it requires bleeding.
Bleed process for a filled HYMeC system?
> Check that an adequate amount of mineral oil is present in the clutch fluid reservoir at the master cylinder.
> Mount the master cylinder on the handlebar at full right hand steering lock or at the point where the fluid
reservoir is horizontal and the clutch lever is pointed slightly upwards. At this position activate the lever
repeatedly until the free play at the end of the lever equates to the 8 –10 mm value advised by MAGURA.