Thank you for your confidence and for choosing our streaming and local media audio player ePLAYER1. It
is VERY IMPORTANT to carefully read this manual, to fully understand its contents before any connection in order
to maximize your use and get the best performance from this equipment.
In order to guarantee the optimum operation of this unit, we strongly recommend that its maintenance be
carried out by our Authorized Technical Services.
ePLAYER1 comes with a 3-year warranty.
1.1. Safety Precautions
Do not expose the unit to rain or water splashes, and do not place liquid containers or
incandescent objects like candles on top of the unit.
Should any connection / disconnection task be done, always disconnect the unit from the mains supply.
There are no user serviceable parts inside the unit.
ePLAYER1 is a compact audio player with a stereo output that can play music contents from local storage
media (USB/SD card), Internet streams or digital sharing streams (DLNA and Airplay compatible), with the
following main features:
1 unbalanced stereo out, RCA and mini-Jack connector (stereo/mono selection for the audio
Compatible audio formats: mp3, ogg, AAC, WAV, AIFF and FLAC.
1 USB slot and 1 SD/SDHC card slot for local media storage,
RJ45 Ethernet interface: setup through web application and internet streaming reception.
Wi-Fi interface (Client & Master mode)
Fully configurable through the web application (point-to-point or via Ethernet).
2 GPI ports (General Purpose Inputs), to trigger 2 available events.
Silence detection triggered event.
Integrated RTC (Real-Time Clock) and NTP (Network Time Protocol) synchronization, up to 240h
of autonomy (without AC power).
Controls & indicators in front panel:
ePLAYER1's setup is done through the embedded web application. See chapter 6 for further information.
LCD screen.
Digital encoder for navigation through menus and parameters adjustment.
6 keys with pre-assigned function: ENTER/MENU, ESC, STOP, PLAY/PAUSE, NEXT/FF
and PREV/RW.