PC file viewer
PC file viewer provides the ability to view and copy text from many popular types
of PC files instantly, whether or not users have the originating applications installed
on their systems. For example, PC file viewer incorporated into the Solaris operating
environment allows users to share attachments and files created in Microsoft Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Lotus 1-2-3, and AutoCAD applications.
Getting Started with PC file viewer
For details about PC file viewer features and supported file types, refer to the text
file installed on your system at: /opt/SUNWdtpcv/GettingStarted.txt,
or the web site
PC launcher
Note – PC launcher is installed with the Solaris 8 preinstalled software only. PC
launcher requires an optional SunPCi card to be installed in the system.
PC launcher gives SunPCi card users seamless access and power to view, edit, and
print many popular types of PC files or attachments instantly, by automatically
launching the associated Windows application and file.
PC launcher provides easy editing, viewing, searching, and navigating of PC file
attachments and Windows .exe files. Users can copy and paste text from Windows
applications into any Solaris application. EPC launcher also gives easy and quick
access to PC file type attachments in CDE Mail and File Manager, as well as drag-
and-drop capability for any file on the CDE front panel icon.
Getting Started with PC launcher
For details about PC launcher features and supported file types, refer to the web site