S Pecifications; P Roduct   O Verview; A Ppearance   A Nd   D Escription - Fagor AVE HOME Manual Del Usario

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

1.1   P roduct   O verview    
AVE   Home   encoder   &   modulator   allows   audio/video   signal   input   in   TV   distributions   with  
applications   i n   h ome   e ntertainment,   s urveillance   c ontrol,   h otel   D igital   S ignage,   s hops   e tc.  
It  is  an  all-­‐in-­‐one  device  integrating  MPEG2  encoding  and  DVB-­‐T  modulating  to  convert  input  
signals   t o   D VB-­‐T   R F   o ut   i n   t he   f requency   r ange   o f   3 0~960MHz.  
The   s ignals   s ource   c ould   b e   f rom   s atellite   r eceivers,   c losed-­‐circuit   t elevision   c ameras,   B lue-­‐ray  
players,  and  antenna  etc.  its  output  signal  is  to  be  received  by  DVB-­‐T  standard  TVs  or  DVB-­‐T  
STBs   e tc.  
1.2   A ppearance   a nd   D escription  
DC   1 2V  
Grounding:   t o   c onnect   t he   e arth   c able  
DC   1 2V:   p ower   i nput  
CVBS:   c omposited   v ideo   i nput   s upporting   N TSC   a nd   P AL  
L/R   c hannel:   S tereo   L eft   a nd   R ight   a udio   c hannels    
RF   i n:   R F   L oop-­‐through   i nput   ( 10dB   a ttenuation)  
RF   o ut:   R F   o utput   t o   d istribute   m odulated   s ignal   ( 30-­‐960   M Hz,   7 1~91   d BµV)  
LCD   W indow  
Control   B uttons  
L/R   c hannel  
JTAG   p ort   f or   u pgrade  
RF   i n  
RF   o ut
Air   V ent  


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