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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

1)   DVB-­‐T:   modulating   standard;   XX.XXX   M:   the   current   output   frequency;   U:   symbol   of   the  
USB  disk  insertion;  1080i:  video  resolution  of  signal  source;  X.XX  Mbps:  the  current  encoding  
bit   r ate  
2)   A larm  Status:   F or   e xample,   i f   t he   s ignal   c able   d isconnected,   i t   w ill   d isplay   V ideo   1   N ot   L ock  
under   t his   m enu.  
3)   U ptime:   I t   d isplays   t he   w orking   t ime   d uration   o f   t he   d evice.   I t   t imes   u pon   p ower   o n.  
4)   Video   Parameters:   User   can   enter   the   items   respectively   to   set   the   input   interface   and  
view   t he   v ideo   s tatus.   U ser   c an   a lso   a djust   v alues   o f   r est   i tems   ( Bit   r ate:   0 .500~19.500   M bps;  
Brightness   &   C ontrast   &   S aturation:   0 -­‐255;   H ue:   -­‐ 128   -­‐   + 127).  
5)   A udio   B it   r ate:   S elect   a udio   b it   r ate   a mong   6 4,   9 6,   1 28,   1 92,   2 56,   3 20,   3 84   k bps.  
        Audio   Broadcast:   Enable   –   the   output   program   will   broadcast   only   audio   without   the  
picture;   D isable   –   c ancel   b roadcast   m ode   t o   r esume   b oth   a udio   a nd   v ideo.  
6)  Program  Information:  User  can  enable  or  disable  the  program  output  under  menu  Program  
Output.   User   can   also   enter   the   other   items   to   edit   the   Service   Name,   Program   Name,  
Program   Number,   and   PIDs   of   PMT,   PCR,   Video   and   Audio,   and   edit   LCN   (Logical   channel  
number).   E IT  Event   –   U ser   c an   e nter   t his   m enu   t o   s etup   E IT   ( Event   I nformation   T able)   f or   t he  
current   a nd   n ext   p rogram   e vent.   T he   E IT   c ontains   S tart   Y ear,   S tart   T ime,   D uration,   a nd   E vent  
Name  of  the  event.  All  the  EIT  information  can  be  displayed  on  the  TV  screen  on  condition  
that   t he   E IT   i s   c hosen   t o   i nsert   ( see   e xplanation   1 9).  
7)   B andwidth:   c hoose   b etween   6 M,   7 M   a nd   8 M.  
8)   Constellation:   DVB-­‐T   modulator   contains   3   constellation   modes   –   64   QAM,   QPSK   and   16  
9)   F FT   ( Transmission   M ode):   2 K   a nd   8 K.  
10)   G uard   I nterval:   S elect   a mong   1 /32,   1 /16,   1 /8   a nd   1 /4.  
11)   Code   Rate:   It   refers   to   FEC-­‐Forward   Error   Correction   rate.   It   contains   1/2,   2/3,   3/4,   5/6  
and   7 /8.  
NOTE:   The   different   combination   of   bandwidth,   constellation,   guard   interval   and   code  
rate   ( FEC)   w ill   f orm   a   d ifferent   o utput   c ode   r ate.   P lease   r efer   t o   a ppendix   t able   2 .  
12)   R F  Frequency:   A djust   i t   a t   r ange   o f   3 0   t o   9 99   M Hz.   S et   i t   a ccording   y our   r egional   s ituation  
or   i nquire   y our   l ocal   s ervices.  
13)   R F   L evel:   A djust   i t   a t   r ange   o f   -­‐ 16~   -­‐ 36dBm.  
14)   R F   O n:   U ser   c an   c hoose   t o   t urn   o n   o r   t urn   o ff   t he   R F   u nder   t his   m enu.  
15)   B it   R ate:   U ser   c an   r ead   t he   c urrent   m odulating   b it   r ate   a nd   t he   m aximum   b it   r ate    
16)   T SID:   ( Transport   S tream   I D)   U ser   c an   v iew   o r   a djust   a fter   e nter   t his   m enu.  
17)   O NID:   ( Original   N etwork   I D)-­‐User   c an   v iew   o r   a djust   a fter   e nter   t his   m enu.  
18)   NIT:   (Network   Information   Table)   NIT   table   is   a   very   important   table   for   describing   the  
network   a nd   T S.   U ser   c an   e nter   t he   s ubmenus   d isplayed   a nd   e dit   t he   v alues   o r   s elect   t he   L CN  
(Logical   channel   number)   mode,   and   choose   whether   to   insert   the   NIT.   If   user   chooses   to  
insert   t he   N IT,   i nformation   ( Network   I D,   N etwork   N ame,   L CN   M ode,  NIT   V ersion   P rivate   D ata  
and  LCN  number  of  the  program  mentioned  in  explanation  6)  will  be  added  to  the  transport  
NOTE:   w hen   t he   P rivate   D ata   i s   s et   a s   0 *0,   i t   i s   i nvalid.  


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