Laser: Each player has one Laser that remains in the
corner of the game Grid throughout the game. Press
the button on top at the end of each turn to activate the
laser. The Laser is not a playing token and cannot be
eliminated from play.
Deflector: The mirrored side of the Deflector reflects
the laser 90 degrees. A Deflector is eliminated from
play when any of its non-mirrored surfaces are hit by
the laser.
Defender: The front side of a Defender blocks the laser
and the Defender will remain in play if hit from the
front. However, a Defender can be eliminated from play
if the laser strikes either of its sides or its back.
Switch: Both sides of the Switch reflect the laser 90
degrees. The Switch can also swap places with an
adjacent Deflector or Defender. A Switch can never be
eliminated from play.
King: The game ends when the laser strikes a King.
1. The blue/white player goes first. Players take turns with each player moving
only their own tokens. All playing tokens, including Kings, can be moved.
2. On a turn a player must first take one of the following actions:
a. Move any one token one space in any direction
(including diagonally) following the Movement
Rules on page 8.
b. Rotate a token 90 degrees in either direction
without moving spaces.
c. Rotate his or her own Laser to point in the
direction of either the first column or the first row.
Rotation of the Laser must always be done before
it is fired.
3. To complete a turn, a player activates the laser by
the button on top of his or her own Laser. Tokens
are then removed from the board based on where
the beam lands. Refer to the Token Guide on page
6 for a description of when to eliminate pieces
from play.
If the laser beam lands on a player's own token, the
token is still eliminated from play according to the
descriptions in the Token Guide.