Screen composition of LG ACCS IV
Screen composition of LG ACCS IV
Let's see the details of the function of each basic part and understand in more detail on how to use
the functions through easy to learn examples.
The program menus currently provided are Air conditioner control, Ventilation control, Schedule
control, Peak power control, Monitoring, Error history, Power consumption and System setting.
(1) Menu selection button : You can run control, monitoring or setting functions by selecting the
(2) Window control button : Window maximize and minimize
(3) Message window : This shows you the message to summarize the operation or notify you of a
(4) Display of current year, month, date, day and time.
(5) Display of peak operation rate control and network connection status
1. Menu selection button
3. Message window
Peak operation rate icon
Running peak power control mode
Stop peak power control mode
(This is not shown if the peak power
control is not installed.)
26 PC Central Controller
applicable menu.
4. Shows current year, month, date, day and time.
5. Shows you the peak operation rate control
and network connection status
Full screen of PC central controller
2. Window control button
Network connection status
Network error (NE)
Network connected (Normal)
Network connecting (Busy)