Notes on fitting and installation
S Before carrying out fitting, installation and mainten
ance work, always switch off the power supply for the
electronic components.
S Use only power units which guarantee reliable
electrical isolation of the operating voltage as per
IEC/DIN EN 60204−1. Observe also the general
requirements for PELV power circuits as per IEC/DIN
EN 60204−1.
S Use screened plug connectors which guarantee
continuous contact between the screening/shield
and the Compact Vision System.
S Connect the screening of the cables with low
impedance to earth potential.
S The system contains electrostatically sensitive
components. Do not therefore touch any contacts.
Observe the regulations for handling electrostatically
sensitive components.
S Do not open the housing.
S Make sure that a tolerance of ±10 % in the operating
voltage supply is observed.
S Protect the power supply for the Compact Vision
System externally with a quick−acting miniature fuse,
2 A.
Festo P.BE−K−SBO−M 0511NH English