6 .
Plug the included power adapter into the Camera's
Power port . Plug the other end into an electrical outlet .
Click Next .
Power On the Camera
7 .
Make sure the LED is lit on the Camera's front panel . If it
is not lit, make sure the cables are properly connected
to the Camera . Click Next .
Check the LED
8 .
The Wizard searches for the Wireless-G Internet Home
Monitoring Camera on your network, then displays the
Camera found along with status information .
Camera Found on Network
Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Camera
Setting Up and Mounting the Camera
If the Camera you want is not displayed, click Search
Again to run a new search for Cameras .
Otherwise, in the Camera List box, click the name of the
Camera you are installing . Write down the Camera's IP
address shown in the Status box, so you can use it to
access the Web-based Utility later . Click Next .
9 .
Enter a name for the Camera . Memorable names are
helpful, especially if you are using multiple Cameras
on the same network . It should have 15 characters or
fewer . After you have entered the name, click Next .
Assign the Camera Name
10 .
Select how to assign an IP Address to the Camera,
either automatically or manually . Then click Next .
IP Address Settings
Automatically obtain an IP Address
option if you want to automatically assign an IP address
to the Camera using DHCP .
If you are not sure which option to choose, Linksys
recommends this option .
Set IP address configuration manually
this option if you want to manually assign a static IP
address to the Camera .
If you select this option, fill in the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Gateway fields .
Select this