Setup > Recording Schedule
To set up a recording schedule for a Camera, then click the
Recording Schedule tab .
Setup > Recording Schedule
To schedule a recording for a Camera, follow these steps .
1 .
Fill in the following fields .
Select a Camera
Select the Camera that will be
recorded from the drop-down menu .
Schedule Interval
Select the days on which you
want the Camera to record . The choices are One
Time, Every Day, Mon-Fri, Sat-Sun, Sun, Mon, Tue,
Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat . (All settings except One Time
cause recording to occur on a recurring basis .)
Start Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
the recording, in mm-dd-yyyy format .
Start Time (hh:mm)
recording, in hh:mm format .
Duration (hh:mm)
recording in hh:mm format .
2 .
Click Add to save the new scheduled recording
information .
3 .
The scheduled recording will appear in the list of
scheduled recordings at the top of the screen .
To delete a scheduled recording, select the recording from
the list, and click Delete .
Click Help to display help information . Click Exit to exit
without saving your changes .
Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Camera
Enter the date to start
Enter the time to start the
Enter the duration of the
Installing and Using the Camera Utility
Memory Requirements for Video Recordings
You may find it helpful to know how much memory is
required to hold a video recording . For information on
estimated bit rates for a typical video recording at each
available resolution and video, refer to the "Setup > Image"
section of "Chapter 4: Advanced Configuration with the
Web-Based Utility . "
In order for the scheduled recordings to
occur, the Camera Utility must be running on a
networked PC .
The maximum length of a recording file
is one hour . If a recording is more than one hour
long, then multiple files will be saved .
Setup > Preferences
To configure the Camera's preference settings, click the
Preferences tab .
Setup > Preferences
The Setup > Preferences screen allows you to configure the
following settings .
Recording Path
This is the drive and folder where recorded
video files will be saved on your computer . The default is
C:\Program Files\Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring
Camera\storage .