Note: the CUT-OUT value can be changed ONLY after having unlocked the function by pressing SET for 10 seconds long.
After 1 second without pressing any button, the function will automatically lock again.
ANTI-LEAKAGE: protection against leakage. The function can be enabled or disabled: the factory setting is disabled.
When enabled, if the condition is such that the pump is started up more than 6 times in 2 minutes, it will be stopped and
the error will be indicated by means of the red LED flashing slowly on "ALARM".
To enable it select the function by pressing "MODE" until the LED flashes then press SET until the "ON" LED is switched
on. To disable it press SET until the LED switches on to indicate OFF.
Once the cause is removed, reset the alarm, if still present, see 9.2.3.
MAX PUMP ON: maximum period of operation. The function can be enabled or disabled. The factory setting is disabled.
When enabled, if the condition is such that the pump operates for more than 30 minutes, it will be stopped, no error
indication is displayed.
This function is used to protect the installation if a valve is left accidentally open, in the event of breakage of a pipe, or in
applications for irrigation.
To enable it, select the function by pressing "MODE" until the LED corresponding to the MAX PUMP ON function is switched
on, then press SET until the "ON" LED comes on. To disable it, press SET until the LED switches on to indicate OFF.
(C) SET selection button
Selectable modes:
1) Reset Alarms;
2) Enable/disable in MODE (MAX_PUMP_ON, ANTILEACKAGE)
3) Increases parameters in MODE (CUT_IN; CUT_OUT);
5) Pump active/pump in standby in AUTO MODE
Press "SET" to modify the parameters; if the LED is switched to MODE-CUT IN or MODE-CUT OUT, the value will be
shown on the pressure indication LED bar. On pressing "SET" the value will increase. After setting the required value, exit
the modification by pressing "MODE" and restore the LED to MODE-AUTO and SET "ON" enabled.
Press SET also to enable/disable the Anti-leakage and Max pump On functions. After selecting the function using the
"MODE" button, enable it by selecting SET-ON, to disable it select SET-OFF.
In "MANUAL" mode, the SET is used to switch the pump on or off, LED "On" or "OFF".
In automatic mode AUTO-MODE it is used to turn it "ON" or in standby "OFF".
PUMP ON: indication that coincides with the motor running.
9.2 Description of the functions
Cut out disabled on inserting the plug after the test on the LEDs the pump switches on for 10 seconds.
Cut out enabled after the plug is inserted, the test is conducted on the LEDs for the first 3 sec (LED 0 indicates that the
power is always On) and the "AUTO MODE" is set as default with the indicator "ON". The pump will start working if the
pressure is less than the CUT –IN value and the flow is less than the minimum cut-in flow. The pump will continue to
operate as long as the pressure remains less than the CUT-OUT value, and will switch off when this value is reached,
independently of the flow.
While, if the "MANUAL MODE" is selected, by pressing once the "MODE", the pump will start up if the "ON" LED lights up,
otherwise, if "SET" is pressed, the pump will switch itself off and the "OFF" LED will light up.
When the pump starts working, it will enter the PRIMING mode.
NOTE: Make sure the instructions for installation have been followed and that the pump is filled completely with water.
9.2.2 Priming phase
When the pump starts working, it will enter the priming mode, during this phase if there is no flow and pressure the motor
will remain switched on for 3 minutes after which it will enter dry run alarm. But if flow and pressure are present during this
phase, priming will be carried out and the pump will work normally.
9.2.3 Alarms reset
When there is an alarm, the red indicator on "ALARM" lights up. The alarm is reset by pressing "SET" once; if the cause
of the alarm is eliminated, normal operation continues, otherwise the pump will return to alarm condition.
9.2.4 Power ON/OFF indicator
If power supply is present the pressure LED 0 on the LED bar lights up. If there is no power the LED remains switched off.
Note: for long shutdowns it is advisable to disconnect the plug from the power supply.
9.2.5 Pump On/off indicator
When the motor is running, a "PUMP ON" blue light must be On to indicate this status. When the motor stops, this LED
switches off.
9.2.6 Alarms indication
A steady red light or button on "ALARM" is activated when an alarm is present.
Dry-running: steady red light
Leakage: slow pulse
Max Pump ON (pump running for more than 30 minutes): 2 quick flashes separated by a longer pause.
Press "SET" button to reset the alarms.