Programming an Auxiliary Step
Auxiliary No. 1 and Auxiliary No. 2 may be
used to control an external buzzer or other
device (not supplied with the machine) with a
maximum current draw of less than 1/2 amp, if
the machine is not prompted for wet cleaning.
Auxiliary No. 3 is identified on the fuse board
as A3 (Signal) and controls the built-in buzzer
(alarm) mounted on the inside wall of the
control module.
When A3 is programmed, the signal will
sound continuously for the duration of time
assigned. The same signal (buzzer) is used by
the computer for an alarm condition, such as
a "FILL" or "EMTY" alarm.
When the signal is activated by the computer
to indicate an alarm condition, the tone will be
pulsating rather than continuous.
1. The computer must be in the PROGRAM
mode, and the cycle programming
sequence must be ready for the next step.
2. Press the Auxiliary key. The display will
read "A-nncc." Now press the number
key–1, 2, 3, 4, or 5–that corresponds to the
desired auxiliary function:
A1–Auxiliary No. 1
A2–Auxiliary No. 2
A3–Signal (SG)
A4–Fill to level using E1 on computer
output board. (E1 is a special function
ONLY. This step applies only for extra fill
capacity. Contact factory for details.)
© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT
Note: If the washer-extractor has an extra fill
capability controlled by El, it cannot also have
the water reuse option installed. Or, if the
washer-extractor has the water reuse option, it
cannot also have an extra fill capability.
Contact factory for details.
A5–Provides agitation, no refill.
The display will read "A2nncc," for
example, if key 2 is pressed.
3. Press the Enter key. The display will read
"M---S." Now assign the auxiliary step the
desired time in minutes and seconds.
4. Press the Enter key and go to the next step
in the cycle.
5. Auxiliary 4 step (extra fill). Press the
Auxiliary key. The display will read
"A-nncc." Then press the number key 4.
The display will read "R-nncc." Press
"low," "medium," or "high" to select low,
medium, or high fill level. The display will
read "RLnncc," "RMnncc," or "RHnncc"
respectively. Then press the Enter key and
program the step time. Only program this
special step if the extra fill capability is
being utilized.