Never attempt to sharpen the chisel through for-
ging. Work the chisel only by milling, grinding or
turning. Use suitable alloy steel tools.
Fig. 1 shows the location of the hammer's
CE-plate on which the serial no. is given. On SB
hammers the serial no. is also stamped on the
adapter plate surface.
Check and follow the carrier's instructions for
changing of oil filters. The filter should usually be
changed more often when the hammer is in use.
The hammer is a tool intended for demolition. It
should not be used for lifting or prizing.
To avoid accidents, the hammer should be
secured against the carrier with chain.
To ensure that the accumulator and hammer are
not overloaded, a separate pressure relief valve
should be installed, see fig. 2. It is set at a value
of 30 bar over the hammer's maximum working
pressure. If the carrier's hammer circuit is already
equipped with a pressure limiting valve, no extra
valve is necessary.
Hammer working pressure. See Technical Data.
The pressure is set with the help of a pressure
gauge while the hammer is in operation, fig 3.
How to operate
Always run the hammer at the correct wor-
king pressure. See Techical Data. If the max.
working pressure of the hammer is excee-
ded this may overload the accumulator and
cause damage.
For work in a hot environment there is a risk of
the plastic lock block for the chisel-holder lock
melting. Thus change the lock pin for the spring
pin shown in the spare-parts list.
SB 300 and 450 can be used under water.
When the hammer is used under water, it must
be supplied with compressed air to keep the spa-
ce between the piston and the chisel free from
water. If the space between the piston and the
chisel fills with water, the water pressure will de-
stroy the piston seal when the hammer is started.
The air pressure should be 1.5-2 bar, and the
consumption for the SB 300 is 380 L/min and for
the SB 450 720 L/min.
Contact Atlas Copco for instructions.
For work directed upwards the hammer can also
be provided with compressed air. This prevents
dirt from penetrating into the hammer via the chi-
sel. The air pressure and flow are as for work un-
der water.
The SB 300/450 scaler is equipped with
nozzles for water rinsing. A suitable hose is a ¼"
hydraulic hose with JIC connection. The water
consumption at a pressure of 6 bar is 9 L/min.
Avoid running idle as this causes excessive wear
on chisel and chiselholder.
Do not pry using the chisel.
Hand lubrication with a grease gun
Lubricate the chisel shank generously every other
hour with high-temperature grease such as
Atlas Copco Tool shank grease. This also lubricates
the bushings and chisel holders.
When lubricating the chisel by hand, the car-
rier's engine should be switched off to avoid
risk of accidents.
On lubrication, the chisel must be pressed against
the hammer piston so that the space between the
piston and the chisel does not fill with grease (Fig. 6)
For all overhead work, the bushing and chisel must
be lubricated often enough to ensure that dirt does
not penetrate into the hammer.
Central lubrication
We recommend fitting the Atlas Copco central lubri-
cation system.
Ordering number:
Fill the lubricator via the lubrication nipple. With cen-
tral lubrication, the hammer is continuously lubrica-
ted, which greatly reduced wear on the bushings and
Atlas Copco Tool shank grease:
Chisel paste cartridge 12 x 400 g
Chisel paste container 1 x 15 kg
8202 5303 85
8202 5303 93
3363 0949 13
3362 2639 00