months graphically as a bar or as consump-
tion values.
The following values are shown one after
another by repeatedly pushing the button
The consumption for the last 7 days
The consumption for the last 7 months
The difference in consumption over
the last 7 days. Representation of the
differences between the individual days.
(Example: If you measured 2 kWh on
the first day and 3 kWh on the second
day, a difference of 1 kWh is displayed.)
The difference in consumption over
the last 7 months. Representation of
the differences between the individual
Please note that the bar graph readout is ap-
proximate. If e.g. 1 BAR = 1 kWh and 2 bars
are shown for one day, the actual measured
value may be between 1.01 kWh and 1.99
kWh. Please access the data for days or
months for exact measured values.