Warranty: two years. We reserve the right to refuse warranty repair if safety seal is broken.
This device complies with RoHS directive.
No animals have been used for testing this controller.
Do not immerse this controller in water.
Made in China.
Galileo Engineering srl, Via Cavallotti 16 – 42100 Reggio Emilia, Italy www.slot.it info@slot.it
Slot.it and the Slot.it logo are registered trademarks belonging to Galileo Engineering srl.
The name SCP1 means SeCaPelo1.
Slot.it is in no way affiliated with Carrera, Hornby Hobbies, Ninco, Technitoys; Carrera ProX,
Carrera Digital 132, Hornby SSD, Ninco NDigital, Technitoys The Digital System SDS, are
registered trademarks belonging to their respective owners.
The complete printed manual is in English. Electronic versions of the manual in
Solo el Quickstart es en Castellano. El manual completo de papel, por sus dimensiones, es solo
en Ingl s. Descargue Ud. por favor el manual completo en Su idioma desde:
Il Quickstart è in Italiano. Il manuale cartaceo completo, a causa delle sue dimensioni, è in
inglese. La versione completa in italiano e disponibile dal sito:
Der Quickstart ist auf Deutsch. Das komplett Papier Handbuch, wegen seiner Ausmaß, ist nur
auf English verfügbar. Das komplett Deutsch Handbuch kann geladen werden aus:
Technical Specifications
Power supply
Maximum motor current
(peak with analog std cartridge)
Operating temperature
Italian/Castellano/German can be downloaded from
9 to 24V
10 to 40
268 g