= The auto-OFF timer is reset every time the contact electrode of the Model x
touch a High Voltage or each time High Voltage is detected. The auto-off timer is also
reset each time the device is armed and tested, using the front button. Auto-OFF timer is
approximatively 3 minutes.
Bridging Protection
parts of the installation or between live parts of the installation and earth/ground.
Spark Protection
discharge while making contact with the conductor under test.
Battery Low
= When battery is low, the HVD will not stay armed after depressing
green Light indicates the standby mode). Do not use if the green Led does
condition. Replace battery immediately. DO NO OPERATE.
= This is the optimum recommended Threshold to set the detection
level at which the detector show and sound an High Voltage Alarm. This is the
recommended level at which the calibration laboratories must set the detector.
In Factory, it is set within a range, but optionally, it can be set to this threshold
Battery Current
= This is the total current consumption taken from the battery
when the buzzer sounds and Red Light lit (voltage detected mode). This is
the worst case of current consumption.
Green = Armed
waiting for HV to be detected. This also mean that the battery is ok.
Red = V Detected
happen when The voltage detected is higher than the threshold of that model
( see tables ).
Test / Arming Button
oscillator is connected to the detector and simulate HV on the electrode.
buzzer sounds, indicating that the detector works properly. When releasing
detector is in standby, waiting for detection.
= The Detector will not be damaged as a result of spark
= This button is utilized to arm (turn ON) the detector.
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