Phase I
Clean the product under running faucet water,
using a suitable cleaning brush until all visible res-
idues have been removed from the surfaces.
Mobilize non-rigid components, such as set screws,
links, etc. during cleaning.
Phase II
Dry the product in the drying phase with suitable
equipment (e.g. cloth, compressed air), see Vali-
dated cleaning and disinfection procedure.
Phase III
Wipe all surfaces of the product with a single-use
disinfectant wipe.
Phase IV
After the specified exposure time (at least 1 min),
rinse the disinfected surfaces under running FD
Drain any remaining water fully.
Phase V
Dry the product in the drying phase with suitable
equipment (e.g. cloth, compressed air), see Vali-
dated cleaning and disinfection procedure.