Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
Filename Suffix
The filename suffix must be ".lic".
The file content requirements:
The first line: instrument serial number (pulse Utility → System
Info to acquire the serial number of the instrument); The second
line: the option license;
The third line: a blank line (cannot be omitted).
When inputing the option license acquire in step 1 into the
option installation file, the hyphens should be omitted.
The option installation procedures:
Edit the option installation file according to the above requirements
and store it into a USB storage device.
Turn on the instrument and insert the USB storage device. pulse
Store to enter the store and recall interface.
Read the option installation file following the steps below in the store
and recall interface (refer to "Store and Recall").
Select "D Disk" → set the file type to "All" → select the installation file
metioned above → pulse Read.
Install the option by sending SCPI commands
Open the remote control window and send the following option installation
commands by referring to "Remote Control".
:LICense:SET <license>
For example, :LICense:INSTall SM9KD3YPMWNP2AQMST8J5H592EQT.
DG1000Z User's Guide
:LICense:INSTall <license>
is the option license (note that the hyphens should be
Instrument Serial Number
Option License
Blank Line