Charging Voltage Test (for 12V system only)
This test enables the user to measure the output voltage of the alterna-
tor/regulator and check for undercharging or overcharging, which leads
to poor battery performance and short life.
Note: Engine must be at normal operating temperature.
1. Turn off the vehicle's engine, accessories and battery test
2. Connect the black clamp of the tester to the negative terminal of the
vehicle battery, and the red clamp of the tester to the positive terminal
of the vehicle battery. Ensure the connections are good.
3. Operate the engine at a fast idle ( approx. 1500RPM ).
4. Do not operate the " LOAD " button.
5. Read the voltage reading on the display and compare results with
expected results given in manufacturer's handbook.
The following table is given as a guide :
Displayed voltage is less than
Displayed voltage is between
13.5V and 15V.
Displayed voltage is higher than
6. Turn on headlights and blower motor to high, repeat step 5.
Starter Motor Test (for 12V systemonly)
This test identifies excessive starter current draw, which
makes starting difficult and shortens battery life.
NU-E200407_0715.indd 15
Test Result
Analysis and Action
The voltage is not sufficient,
please check alternator.
The voltage is excessive, please
check regulator.
9/7/2015 10:44:31 AM