Dear Customer!
You have chosen to purchase a high-quality ADE brand
product , which combines intelligent functions with an
exceptional design. With this rain gauge, you always
have a wide variety of weather and temperature data
in view. The wealth of experience of the ADE brand
ensures a high technical standard and proven quality.
We wish you much enjoyment and success while
monitoring and examining your weather data.
Your ADE Team
Scope of delivery
Digital rain gauge with DCF radio clock
(hereinafter referred to as "base station")
Wireless rain gauge
− 2x LR6/R6 (AA) / 1.5 V for base station
− 2x LR6/R6 (AA) / 1.5 V for wireless rain gauge
2x screws
2x dowels
Operating Manual
WS 1907 digital rain gauge with DCF radio clock