Trouble Shooting
Status of the Product
Cannot turn on
Stimulation becomes weak
or tingling
Treated surface flushing,
itching or tingling
Charging tips
1. When charging, the red light will be on.
2. After red light turns green, means that the charging is complete, unplug the charger
and charging connector.
3. When the green light is on, unplug the charging plug, to avoid prolonged transition
Battery used up
Adhesive sides are
Electrode contacting skin
Dirt on mat surface
Intensity too weak
Skin reaction against mat
Therapy is too long
The adhesive is dirty or dry
Check the cause and
charge the battery
Replace with new pads
Stick the mat firmly onto
the skin
Clean or change mat
Adjust ON button or
change the battery
Check skin allergies. For
slight or severe allergy,
stop treatment
Shorten time
Wash it with water, use it
after dry