4.4 LAN
4.4.1 LAN Settings
IP Address: The value refers to your internal network settings. Unless you have specific
internal needs, these should be no reason to change the value.
The Gateway acts as DHCP Server: the settings of TCP/IP environment include Host IP,
Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS configurations. It is not a simple task to correctly configure
all the computers in your LAN environment. Fortunately, DHCP provides a rather
simple approach to handle all these settings. This product supports the function
of DHCP server. If you enable this product's DHCP server and configure you computers
as automatic IP allocation mode, when your computer is powered on, it will
automatically load the proper TCP/IP settings from this product.
IP Pool Start Address is the IP pool Starting Address enter a value for the DHCP server
to start with
greater, because the default IP address for the Router is
IP Pool END Address is the IP pool Ending Address enter a value for the DHCP server
to end with when issuing IP addresses. This value must be greater the IP pool Starting
IP addresses. This value must be