Your dealer can activate a variety of transceiver functions to perform without any
additional operation on your part.
The Time-out Timer is used to prevent any caller from using a channel for an
extended period of time.
If you continuously transmit for a period of time that exceeds the programmed
time, the transceiver will stop transmitting and an alert tone will sound. To stop
the tone, release the microphone PTT switch.
If programmed by your dealer, a pre-alert tone will sound before the timer expires.
Also, if programmed by your dealer, you may have to wait for a short duration
before you can continue to transmit. If you press the microphone PTT switch
before the timer has been reset, an alert tone will sound and the transceiver will
not enter transmit mode.
The signal strength indicator displays the strength of received calls.
Strong signal
Suffi cient signal
Weak signal
Very weak signal
No icon appears when no signal is available
Flashes when out of range (NXDN Trunking only)
The compander can be programmed only for specifi c FM channels. If it has been
programmed by your dealer, transmitted signals are compressed before being
sent and received signals are expanded when they arrive.
• Your dealer must set the compander for both the transmit side and the receive side in
order for the compander to operate.
This background feature allows higher clarity of signals, avoiding excessive noise.
This feature is not used on digital channels, as they are not susceptible to noise
and interference.