Pump Operation; Pump Maintenance - Legacy L3530 Guía De Componentes Y Servicio Técnico

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Pump Operation

If the pump has already been primed and the compressed air feed is connected to the appropriate work pressure level (3-10 bar, 40-
140 PSI) the pump will start automatically when the nozzle or gun situated at the end of the oil delivery circuit is opened. To stop the
pump, simply close the nozzle or disconnect the air inlet line.
Si la bomba ya ha sido cabada y la alimentación de aire comprimido está conectada en al range de presión de trabajo (3 a 10 bar,
40 a 140 psi) la bomba arrancará automáticamente al abrir el boqueral ó pistolin situado al final del circuito de impulsión de aceite.
Para detanarla basta cerrar dicho pistolin o desconectar la alimentación de aire.
Si la pompe est correctament branchée au circuit d'air comprimé (entre 3 et 10 bars - entre 40 et 140 PSI) le pompe dámarrera
automatiquement dés cuverture de la vanne ou de la poingée d'huile située á l'extrémité du circuit distribution d'hufle. Pour arrótar la
pompe, il suffit de farmer la vanne ou débrancher l'alimentation d'air comprimé.

Pump maintenance

If the pump has the compressed air treatment equipment indicated in the corresponding paragraph, periodically purge the water
retained in the reservoir of the filter-purger. If the pump is equipped with a lubricator, weekly checking of the lubricator's oil level is
recommended (fill when necessary with SAE 20, SAE 30 or antifreeze oil for extreme conditions). Model AC6450 has a regulation
screw, on its top part, which allows you to adjust the air dose which will lubricate the pump's air motor.
Si la bomba dispone del equipo de pretratamiento de aire comprimido indicado en el apartado correspondiente, se recomienda pur-
gar periódicamente el agua retenida en el visor del filtro-purgador.
En caso de equipar la bomba con lubricador se recomienda la comprobación semanal del nivel de aceite del lubricador (rellenar
cuando sea preciso con aceite SAE 20, SAE 30 o aceite anticongelante para condiciones extremes). El lubricador tiene un tornillo
de regulación, en su parte superior, que permite ajustar la dosificación de aire que lubricará el motor de aire de la bomba.
Si la pompe a un équipement de pré-traitement d'air comprimé - indiqué dans le chapitre concerné, purger périodiquement, l'eau
retenue dans le voyant du filtre purgeur. Si la pompe est equipés avec un lubrificateur, nous recommandons une vérification hebdo-
madaire du riveau d'huile du lubrificateur (remplir si nécessaire avec de l'huile SAE 20, SAE 30 ou huile anticongélant pour conditions
extrèmes). Il possèda, dans sa partie supérieure, une vis régulatrice qui permet d'adjustar le dosage d'air qui lubrifiera le moteur air
de la pompe.
Repair and cleaning procedures
ATTENTION: Always disconnect the compressed air inlet before starting any repair or cleaning to the pump, then, relieve the inside
pressure as well as that of the oil delivery circuit by opening the gun or valve situated at the end of the circuit. NEVER try to disas-
semble the pump or the delivery circuit when the unit is under pressure.
A.Valve Body (27)-(32)
- Unscrew the suction tube (33) and remove it from the motor body (8) until you can see the valve body (27)-(32)
- Eliminate accumulated impurities from the valve body (27-32).
- To replace, remove pin (25), which unites the connecting rod (24) to the piston (23) and unscrew (24) from (23) by hand.
B. Foot Valve (34)-(37)
- Unscrew the body of the foot valve (37) from the suction tube (33).
- Eliminate the impurities accumulated in the foot valve (34)-(37). If damaged, replace.
C. Packing Set (12)
- Unscrew the suction tube (33) and remove it from the motor body (8) until you can see the
valve body (27)-(32).
- Remove pin (25), which unites the connecting rod (24) to the piston (23) and unscrew (24) from (23) by hand.
- Remove the four screws (7) if square housing or unscrew air motor body housing (1). You can now see the reversing unit (D).
- Pull upwards on the reversing unit (D) until you completely remove the piston pump (23).
- Disassemble the security ring (13). The packing set (12) comes out of its bearing by slightly pounding from the top with an aluminum
bar (Ø 35mm/1.38") or a bar made out of any non-hard material. When introducing the bar be very careful not to damage the piston
seal (6).
- When assembling the packing set (12) in the motor body (8) be very careful not to damage the O-ring when passing the oil delivery
D. Piston Seal (6)
- Complete the first four steps corresponding to the packing set (12).
- Once the pump piston (23) has been removed from the motor body (8), disassemble the security ring (4). The piston seal (6) comes
out easily together with the washer (5). Ask for RP002125.
E. Reversing Set (A or D)
ATTENTION: to disassemble this unit special tools may be required. To obtain the ones needed, in your case, contact your nearest
- Complete the first four steps of the procedures corresponding to the packing set (12)
- Introduce a steel rod (Ø 5mm, 1:150mm/ Ø 1/6", 6" approx.) through the transversal hole that goes through the pump piston (23).
Introduce the special tool and unscrew the piston holding assembly (15) of the pump piston (23). The reversing set is now separated.
Ask for RP002124 or RP002123.
F. Reversing Spring (2)
- Remove the four screws (7) if square housing or unscrew air motor body housing (1).
- Remove the damaged spring, by taking it out of its bearing with the help of a screwdriver.
- Place the new spring (2) checking that it is correctly inserted in its bearing.


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