Declaración De Conformidad - Audio-Technica AT-ONE Instalación Y Funcionamiento

Sistema microfónico inalámbrico uhf
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Declaración de Conformidad
, Audio-technica Corp.
HR Ovime Audio-Technica izjavljuje da su ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F i ATW-R1F u skladu s Direktivom 1999/5/EC. Puni tekst izjave EU o sukladnosti dostupan je na sljedećoj internet adresi:
CZ Tímto Audio-Technica Corporation prohlašuje, že ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F a ATW-R1F jsou v souladu se směrnicí 1999/5/EC. Úplné znění EU prohlášení o shodě je k dispozici na této
internetové adrese:
DK Herved erklærer Audio-Technica Corp. at ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F og ATW-R1F er i overensstemmelse med direktiv 1999/5/ EC. Den fulde ordlyd af EU-overensstemmelseser
klæringen er tilgængelig på følgende internetadresse:
NL Hierbij verklaart Audio-Technica Corp. dat ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F en ATW-R1F in overeenstemming zijn met Richtlijn 1999/5/EC. De volledige tekst van EU Conformiteitsverklaring
is beschikbaar op het volgende internet adres:
GB Hereby, Audio-Technica Corp. declares that ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F and ATW-R1F are in compliance with Directive 1999/5/EC. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is
available at the following internet address:
EE Käesolevaga Audio-Technica Corp., kinnitab, et ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F ja ATW-R1F on vastavuses 1999/5/EC direktiiviga. EU vastavusdeklaratsiooni terviktekst on kättesaadav
järgmisel Interneti-aadressil:
FI Me, Audio-Technica Corp., vakuutamme yksinomaan omalla vastuulla että ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F ja ATW-R1F täyttävät direktiivin 1999/5/EC. EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus on
luettavissa kokonaisuudessaan osoitteessa:
FR Par la présente, Audio-Technica Corp. Déclare que ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F et ATW-R1F sont conformes à la Directive 1999/5/EC. Le texte complet de la déclaration de conformité
est disponible sur le site Internet suivant:
DE Hiermit erklärt die Audio-Technica Corp., dass ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F und ATW-R1F den Richtlinien 1999/5/EC entsprechen. Den kompletten Wortlaut der EU-Konformitätserklärung
finden Sie unter folgender Internet-Adresse:
GR Με το παρών , η Audio Technica Corp., δηλώνει ότι τα ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F και ATW-R1F συ φωνούν ε την οδηγία 1999/5/EC . Το πλήρε κεί ενο τη οδηγία τη EU ( ∆ήλωση
όρφωση ) , είναι διαθέσι ο στην παρακάτω διεύθυνση διαδικτίου:
HU Jelen Nyilatkozattal az Audio-Technica Corporation kijelenti, hogy az ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F és ATW-R1F megfelelnek a 1999/5/EC Irányelvnek. Az EU Megfelelőségi Nyilatkozat
teljes szövege az alábbí internetcímen érhető el:
IE Le seo, dearbhaíonn Audio-Technica Corp. go bhfuil ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F agus ATW-R1F i gcomhréir le treoir 1999/5/EC. Tá an téasc iomlán dearbhú comhréireachta An Aontais
Eorpaigh le fáil ag an seoladh idirlín seo a leanas:
IT Con la presente, Audio-Technica Corp. dichiara che ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F e ATW-R1F sono conformi alla direttiva 1999/5/EC. Il testo completo della dichiarazione di conformità EU
è disponibile al seguente indirizzo internet:
LV Ar šo Audio-Technica Corporation deklarē, ka ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F un ATW-R1F atbilst Direktīvai 1999/5/EC. Pilns ES Atbilstības Deklarācijas teksts ir pieejams sekojošā Interneta
LT Šiuo dokumentu, Audio-Technica korporacija pareiškia, kad ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F ir ATW-R1F atitinka direktyvą 1999/5/EC. Pilną ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstą galima rasti šiuo
internetiniu adresu:
MT Il-Korporazzjoni Audio-Technica hawn tiddikjara li ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F , ATW-R1F , huma konformi mad-Direttiva 1999/5/EC. Dan id-dokument tad-di rettiva ta' konformita mill EU
jinstab f'dan l-indirizz tal-internet:
PL Niniejszym, firma Audio-Technica, oświadcza, że ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F , ATW-R1F są zgodne z dyrektywą 1999/5/EC. Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności EU jest dostępny pod następu-
jącym adresem internetowym:
PT Pela presente, Audio-Technica Corp. declara que ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F e ATW-R1F cumprem com a Diretiva 1999/5/EC. O texto completo da declaração de conformidade da UE
está disponível no seguinte endereço de Internet:
RO Prin prezenta declara ie Audio-Technica Corporation confirmă, că produsele ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F i ATW-R1F sunt conforme cu directivele 1999/5/EC. Declara ia de Conformitate
EUcompletă poate fi accesată prin adresa următoare:
SK Týmto spoločnosť Audio-Technica Corp. potvrdzuje, že ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F a ATW-R1F sú v súlade s Nariadením EU č. 1999/5/EC. Úplné znenie EU vyhláse nia o zhode je
dostupné na nasledujúcej internetovej adrese:
SI S tem Audio-Technica Corp., izjavlja, da so ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F in ATW-R1F v skladu z Direktivo 1999/5/EC. Celotno besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti je na voljo na naslednjem
spletnem naslovu:
ES Por la presente, Audio-Technica Corp. declara que ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F y ATW-R1F cumplen con la Directiva 1999/5/EC. El texto completo de la declaración de conformidad de
la UE está disponible en la siguiente dirección de Internet:
SE Härmed försäkrar Audio-Technica Corp., att ATW-T1F , ATW-T3F och ATW-R1F överstämmer med direktiv 1999/5/EC. Den fullständiga texten av EU direktiv finner ni på följande
A full copy of the statement of conformity may be obtained from:
CAUTION! Electrical shock can result from removal of the receiver cover.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this appliance to rain or
To prevent fire, do not place any naked flame sources (such as lighted
candles) on the apparatus.
To prevent fire do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with
newspaper, tableclothes, curtains etc.
Do not expose this apparatus to drips or splashes.
Do not place any objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the
Do not install this apparatus in a confined space such as a bookcase or
similar unit.
The apparatus should be placed close enough to the AC outlet so that you
can easily grasp the AC adaptor at any time.
In case of emergency disconnect the AC adaptor quickly.
Danger of explosion if battery incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the
same or equivalent type.
Always consider environmental issues and follow your local regulations
when disposing of batteries. Do not expose batteries to excessive heat.
The circuits inside the receiver and transmitter have been precisely adjusted
for optimum performance and compliance with federal regulations. Do not
attempt to open the receiver or transmitter. To do so will void the warranty,
and may cause improper operation.
Notice to individuals with implanted cardiac pacemakers or AICD devices:
Any source of RF (Radio Frequency) energy may interfere with normal
operation of the implanted device. All microphones have low-power transmitters
(less than 0.05 watts output) which are unlikely to cause difficulty, especially if
they are at least a few inches away.
However, since a body-pack transmitter typically is placed against the body, we
suggest attaching it to a belt rather than a shirt pocket where it may be
immediately adjacent to the medical device.
Note also that any medical device disruption will cease when the RF
transmitting source is turned off. Please contact your physician or medical device
provider if you have any questions, or experience any problems with the use of
this or any other RF equipment.
Please note that wireless frequencies are shared with other radio services.
If you need assistance with operation or frequency selection please contact
your dealer or Audio-Technica. Extensive wireless information is also available


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