IV. Adjustment values:
1 - Freestanding strength training bench (ref.: 2261):
The height of the adjustable leg varies from 0.75 to 1.25 m (2.46 to 4.1'). To adjust it, untighten the thumbscrew (21),
unnotch the pawl (22), adjust the sliding tube (2) to the desired distance, notch the pawl (22) into the corresponding hole,
and tighten the thumbscrew (21) (see Fig.9).
2 - Strength training bench for wall bars (ref.: 2262):
Adjust the slant of the strength training bench by setting the hand-rail
plate (5) onto a wall bar, as shown by Figure 8. Do not use the wall
bars located above 1.25 m (4.1').
Figure 9
V. Usage:
1 - Options (see Fig 9):
• A: shackle snap hook (11) attached under the carriage (8) -> the force is reduced by both pulleys (10).
• B: shackle snap hook (11) attached directly to the fixed leg ring (1) -> the force is direct, thus stronger.
2 - Purpose:
The options, the bench slant, and the athlete's position during exercises allow obtaining numerous combinations,
as well as an accurate adjustment of the work intensity. It is designed for specific strengthening exercises on the
following apparatus: asymmetric bars, rings, parallel bars, and high bar.
3 - Muscular actions:
Both versions of this strength training bench (ref.: 2261 and 2262), allow:
• Closing shoulder angles: to work kips on bar;
• Opening shoulder angles: handstand cast movements;
• Shoulder adduction and abduction: giants on rings, crucifix;
• Exercises: direct gripping on pommels (no ropes) with upper and lower limbs.
VI. Maintenance:
1 - A regular cleaning of the apparatus allows better viewing of the problems, if any (distortion, breakage or corrosion).
2 - Before use, check wear parts and safety elements each time for good condition and operation:
- condition of ropes (7), wheels (25), pads (24);
- correct tightening of screws (13), (14), (15), (16) and (17);
- correct notching of pawl (22) on the adjustable leg (3) and tightening of thumbscrew (21).
3 - Important:
- If a problem is detected or suspected, do not use the equipment as long as it has not been checked by a technician.
- Any damaged or distorted piece should be replaced as soon as possible.
VII. Storage:
Always store the equipment away from humidity and heat.
Figure 8
pommels behind
the wall bar
NM27f - Page 3