This product contains no known harmful substances : it is not known
to undergo alteration from contact with sweat, or with substanc-
es likely to be found in toiletries, and is not known to cause harm to
human skin and body.
Do not store your product in direct sunlight. Do not expose your
product to extreme hot and cold temperatures like those found in
closed cars or outdoor storage units. Hang your gear to dry away
from direct heat sources. SCOTT recommends to store your gear
at a temperature between 0°C and 25°C.
The equipment should be cleaned thoroughly before storing for
long periods. Keep it in its original packaging during storage and
It is recommended to regularly inspect your gear. If doubt-
ful, please ask an expert or your friendly dealer. The protection
it offers could be reduced due to mechanical wear or improper
use. Before use, please check the product for any damage to the
straps, stitching and pads.
A. There are no tears, split seams or other mechanical damage
to the straps. B. All fasteners work correctly. C. The backpack is
properly packed and closed. D. The backpack contents do not
slide around. Dispose of the product if you notice any damage.
Also make sure that :
A. The backpack and protector are positioned correctly. B. There
are no sharp objects in the backpack that could impair the safety
function. C. There are no loose objects in the backpack. D. The fas-
teners are closed during use. E. The backpack is removed when
using a cable car, gondola, etc. F. The backpack is not overload-
ed or too heavy to the extent that its safety function is affected.
Note : open straps and buckles may be inadvertently caught on
gondolas, cable cars, drag lifts and chairlifts
Note : wearing a backpack may impede your entry and exit
on chairlifts
Note : there is often insufficient space on chairlifts to allow you to
wear a backpack on your back.
Dispose of the products in the domestic waste. Do not tamper or
incinerate the product. This may lead to potential hazards.