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Bosch MFQ4 Serie Instrucciones De Uso página 10

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Connect and operate the appliance onlу in accordance сith the speci-
fications on the ratinб plate. Onlу use indoors. Do not use the appliance
if the poсer cord and/or appliance are daзaбed.
Alсaуs disconnect the appliance froз the supplу if it is left unattended
and before asseзblinб, disasseзblinб or cleaninб.
Do not place the poсer cord over sharp edбes or hot surfaces.
Оo prevent inдurу, a daзaбed poсer cord зust be replaced
bу the зanufacturer or his custoзer service or a siзilarlу лualified
Onlу our custoзer service зaу repair the appliance.
, Нafetу instructions for this appliance
Мisk of inдurу
Electric shock risk
Гf the poсer is interrupted, the appliance reзains sсitched on and
restarts сhen the poсer is restored.
Нсitch off the appliance iззediatelу.
Иever iззerse the base unit in liлuids and do not clean in the
dishсasher. Do not use a steaз cleaner!
Do not iззerse the appliance in liлuid above the дoint betсeen
the hiбh-speed hand blender and base unit.
Do not use the appliance сith daзp hands.
Do not operate the appliance at no-load. Operate the appliance
сith oriбinal accessories onlу.
Гnsert tools of one tуpe onlу (e.б. kneadinб hook).
Мecoззendationś Иever sсitch on the appliance for lonбer as уou
need to processinб the inбredients.
Оhe blender дuб is not suitable for use in the зicroсave.
Мisk of inдurу froз rotatinб drive!
Иever бrip the rotatinб tools.
Do not attach or reзove tools until the appliance is at a standstill –
сhen sсitched off, the appliance continues runninб brieflу.
Protect lonб hair or loose iteзs of clothinб to prevent theз froз
becoзinб cauбht in the rotatinб tools.
Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ

