Tips 1,000
These tips are used for volumes between 100 µl and 1,000 µl.
They are used with the AP1000 model.
Tips 5,000
These tips are used for volumes between 500 µl and 5,000 µl.
They are used with the AP5000 model.
Tips 10000
These tips are used for volumes between 1,000 and 10,000 µl.
They are used with the AP10000 model.
Observing the following recommendations will ensure maxi-
mum possible accuracy and precision of liquid sampling.
• Make sure to operate the Assist pipette slowly and smoothly.
• The depth of immersion in the sample liquid should be the
minimum necessary and should remain constant during
• The Assist pipette should be held in a vertical position.
• Change the tip when volume setting is changed or when
a different liquid is to be aspirated.
• Change the tip if a droplet remains on the end of the tip
from the previous pipetting operation.
• Each new tip should be pre-rinsed with the liquid to be
• Liquid should never enter the Assist pipette shaft. To prevent
- Press and release the pushbutton slowly and smoothly.
- Never turn the pipette upside down.
- Never lay the pipette on its side when there is liquid in the
• Never force the volume setting beyond its recommended
• When pipetting liquids with temperatures different from the
ambient temperature, it is recommended to pre-rinse the
tip several times before use.
• Do not pipette liquids with temperatures above 70°C.
• When pipetting acids or corrosive solutions which emit
vapours, it is recommended to disassemble the shaft and
rinse the piston and seal with distilled water after finishing
the pipetting operation.
Pipettes are calibrated by gravimetrically, using our recom-
mended tips and distilled water, at a temperature of 20±1°C,
according to EN ISO 8655 standard.
If during pipette operation you find that the accuracy error
(the difference between the real aspirated volume and the
preset volume) exceeds the permissible value given in the
table in section 1, the pipette recalibration procedure should
be carried out.
Before starting the recalibration it is necessary to check
whether the following requirements have been met during
error determination:
• the ambient temperature, and the temperature of the pipette,
tips and water was identical
• the density of the liquid used is close to that of distilled water
• a balance with appropriate sensitivity has been used.
Volume checked
0.1 - 10
10 - 100
• mg/µl conversion factor has been taken into account
• the requirements shown in sections 3 and 7 have been met
If the above conditions are satisfied and the accuracy error
for selected volume given in section 1 exceeds the permis-
sible value, the pipette recalibration procedure should be
carried out.
The recalibration can be performed within one full turn of the
key to the right or to the left only.
Recalibration conditions:
Ambient temperature, the temperature of the pipette, tips
and liquid should be within the range 20-25°C and stabilised
during weighing within ±0.5°C
• Measurements should be conducted using distilled water
• Balance sensitivity should be suitable for the volume to be
Recalibration procedure:
• Set the dose volume depending on the pipette volume
according to the following table:
Balance sensitivity