Sources of Procedural Error
• Carefully follow the instructions for the preparation of the QC
control material. For correct reconstitution, the full vial of diluent
water must be poured into the vial of lyophilized control. Failure to
do so may result in inaccurate results.
• Timing - Do not use QC control material if it has been
reconstituted for more than 2 hours
Sample Preparation
The entire contents of the diluent water vial must be placed into the
QC vial for proper concentration, and thoroughly mixed.
Storage instructions
TEG System QC material is for single use only and should be stored
refrigerated at 2°C to 8°C prior to use.
Refer to the TEG
Specimen Collection and Preparation for Analysis
No specimen collection is required for running this quality control test.
No additives or preservatives are necessary to maintain the integrity of
the material, but reconstituted QC materials must be used within 2 hours
of reconstitution.
Materials Provided
Twelve (12) Abnormal QC vials and twelve (12) diluent water vials
6s User Manual.
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