viceable and fully functional. The equipment must be discarded
immediately if there is even the slightest doubt as to its service-
ability. A helmet will not always prevent injuries, depending on
the specific danger. In addition, sharp edges, wetness and es-
pecially icing-up can diminish the stability of textiles!
WARNING! The products must be kept away from damaging
environments. This includes contact with corrosive and aggres-
sive substances (e.g. acids, alkalis, soldering water, oils, clean-
ing agents), as well as extreme temperatures and flying sparks.
Climate requirements (Fig. 11)
Lifespan and replacement
The lifespan of the product depends mainly on the way and
frequency in which it is used as well as external influences.
Products made from synthetic fibre (PA, PES, PP) are subject
to a certain ageing process even if they are not used. This is
caused by the intensivity of UV-rays and environmental influ-
Maximum lifespan under optimal storage conditions (see
section on storage) and without use: 12 years.
Occasional use
Occasional and appropriate use without obvious wear and tear
and with optimal storage: 10 years.
Frequent or Extreme Usage
Under extreme conditions with frequent impacts from rocks or
ice and numerous scratches and dents, the safety reserves can
be depleted within a very short period of time and thus make
replacement inevitable. The helmet absorbs the energies re-
sulting from an impact which could include the helmet's partial
destruction or damages on shell and interior parts.
The helmet must be replaced after a severe impact (fall, rock
or ice impact), even if the damage is not immediately visible.
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The same applies to deep scratches or contact with chemicals
(attention: battery acid!).
Repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer or in ac-
cordance with procedures recommended by the manufacturer.
The product must be checked and, if necessary, maintained
whenever this is necessary but at least yearly by the manufac-
turer, an expert or an authorised testing centre.
In the process, it must be ensured among other things that the
product labelling is legible. Once the above-mentioned 10 years
period of use has been exceeded, the personal protection
equipment product must be withdrawn from further use.
Storage, transport and care
Store in a cool, dry, dark place outside transport containers.
Avoid contact with chemicals (caution: battery acid!) Store
without mechanical stress caused by jamming, pressure or
The product must be kept away from direct sunlight, chemicals,
dirt and mechanical damage. For this purpose, a protective bag
or special storage and transport containers should be used.
Cleaning (Fig. 10, 12)
Upon use, helmets - especially when contaminated - must be
cleansed with warm water and neutral soap, to protect metal
parts of the helmet from possible adverse effects of sweat re-
sulting from heavy use. Rinse well. Dry at room temperature,
never use a tumble drier or dry close to radiators! If required,
halogen-free commercial disinfectants may be used. Metal
parts should then be wetted with an acid-free oil.
30.08.2017 09:56:17