Connect the Lower Level Run
Locate the Long Wire-Mesh Left Side Panel and the Short
Wire-Mesh Front Panel with Eyelets. With the eyelets on
the Front Panel facing out, and the track on the Side
Panel at the top and inside of the coop, connect the
panels by inserting the pegs into the holes. Insert a
Cotter Pin at each connection point to secure the pegs
in place.
Locate the Long Wire-Mesh Right Side Panel. With the
track on the Side Panel at the top and facing the inside
of the coop, connect it to the other side of the Front Panel
by inserting the pegs into the holes. Insert a Cotter Pin
at each connection point to secure the pegs in place.
Complete the run by connecting the final Short
Wire-Mesh Back Panel to the two side panels. Insert a
Cotter Pin at each connection point to secure the pegs
in place.
Install the Elevated Living Area
Place the Gabled Panel (Right) on the Long Wire-Mesh
Right Side Panel, aligning the Gabled Panel's track with
the track of the Long Wire-Mesh Panel. The pegs of the
Gabled Panel will fit into the holes of the Long
Wire-Mesh Panel. Insert a Cotter Pin at each connection
point to secure the pegs in place.