Annex B Mode
If you connect the Annex B model of the NetScreen-5GT Wireless ADSL device to a
Deutsch Telecom ADSL line, then you must configure the physical interface on the ADSL
port for operation with this equipment. To do this:
Network > Interfaces > Edit (for the adsl1 interface): Select DT for the Annex B
Mode, and click Apply.
set interface adsl1 phy annex-b-mode dt
You do not need to configure this setting if you are using the Annex A model of the device
or if you are connecting the device to non-Deutsch Telecom equipment.
Static IP Address and Netmask
If your ISP gave you a specific, fixed IP address and netmask for your network, then
configure the IP address and netmask for the network and the IP address of the router
port connected to the NetScreen device. You need to also specify that the device is to use
the static IP address. (By default, the NetScreen device acts as a PPPoE or PPPoA client
and receives an IP address for the ADSL interface through negotiations with the PPPoE
or PPPoA server.)
To configure the static IP address for the network:
Network > Interfaces > Edit (for the adsl1 interface): Enter the following, and
click Apply:
IP Address/Netmask:
Static IP: (select)
Note: You need to configure a PPPoE or PPPoA instance and bind it to the adsl1
interface, as described in the previous section. Make sure that you select "Obtain IP
using PPPoE" or "Obtain IP using PPPoA" and the name of the PPPoE or PPPoA
set interface adsl1 ip
set pppoe name poe1 static-ip
set interface adsl1 ip
set pppoa name poa1 static-ip
NetScreen-5GT Wireless
ADSL Configuration