Remove factory bolts – Using 24mm socket and open-end wrench, remove (2) M16 factory
bolts from vehicle frame, both sides. (Caution: Once the (2) M16 factory bolts are removed it is
possible the bracket could separate from vehicle frame. If bracket is loose, then remove from
vehicle frame until installing hitch). Using 18mm socket and open-end wrench remove (1) M12
factory bolt from vehicle chassis, both sides. Return factory bolts to vehicle owner.
Install hitch – Raise the hitch and loosely secure it at forward holes
on the chassis with (1) M12 bolts, (2) conical washers, and (1) M12
nut ⑤③③⑦, both sides, see Figure 1. Install (2) M14 bolts, (4)
flat washers, (2) lock washers and (2) M14 nuts ①④④⑥②
with bracket and chassis, both sides, see Figure 1.
Note: If there is a gap between hitch bracket and mounting surface,
use (1) extra flat washer ④ on both M14 bolts, see Figure 1.
Tighten all M14 CL8.8 fasteners with torque wrench to
100 Lb.-Ft (136 N*M).
Tighten all M12 CL8.8 fasteners with torque wrench to
68 Lb.-Ft. (92 N*M).
Proper torque is needed to keep the hitch secure to the
vehicle when towing.
©2020 Horizon Global™ Corp - Printed in Mexico
Trim lower fascia – Using a utility knife, trim center section of fascia opening. This
piece of the fascia will be completely removed and discarded. Next trim a 3" x 3"
square below center, see Figure 2.
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