2. How to use
Ensure that no one can be injured by the elevated temperatures and that the installa-
tion can withstand the strain.
The exiting water and the tap become very hot! The water steam should not be
Flow Limit: Setting of flow rate limitation.
Setting options:
no flow rate limitation (motor valve deactivated)
automatic adjustment, i.e. flow rate is limited in a way so that the selected
outlet temperature is reached
flow rate limitation to max. 8.0 l/min
e.g. "9.0" limitation to a freely selectable value between 4.5 and 25 l/min
Note: If the Eco function has been activated in the menu "Savings", the flow is auto-
matically set to "ECO". Changing the flow to a higher value than 8 l/min deactivates
the Eco function
Factory Settings: All factory settings can be recalled:
• Restart Device: Set the temperature back to factory setting and restart the appli
• Factory Reset: Deletes all entries made by the user inclusive statistics.
Synchronize Statistics: Use this function to reload the statistical data.
Devices: All settings for operation with the app and for integrating the DSXTouch into
a WiFi network are made here. For more information, see chapter: "4. CLAGE app
Smart Control".
Software Info: Information about the operating system, the imprint and licenses can
be viewed here. The "Expert Mode" can also be activated here. In the expert mode
you have access to sensitive system settings and functions.