Statement of Limited Product Warranty
What this Warranty Covers & Who it Applies to:
provided by BSH Home Appliances ("Bosch") in this Statement of Limited
Product Warranty applies only to Bosch dishwashers ("Product") sold to
you, the irst using purchaser, provided that the Product was purchased:
stated herein apply only to the irst purchaser of the Product and are not
sixty ive (365) days (i.e., 1 year) from the date of purchase. The foregoing
All manuals and user guides at
Bosch Dishwashers
The limited warranty
agents, partners, afiliates or
unauthorized service (including self-performed "ixing" or exploration of the
appliance's internal workings); (3) adjustment, alteration or modiication
including failure to install the product in strict conformity with local ire and
forces and factors, including without limitation, rain, wind, sand, loods, ires,
cabinetry, loors, ceilings, and other structures or objects around the Product.
looring, and for any alterations including without limitation cabinetry, walls,
loors, shelving, etc.); and resetting of breakers or fuses.
oficer of BSH.