Raider RDI-HG24 Manual Del Usuario página 26

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4.3. Izbira prednastavljenega načina
- Na voljo so 4 prednastavljena načina za hitro izbiranje temperature in nastavitve pretoka
zraka za najbolj pogoste in definirane aplikacije.
- Vklopite orodje. Kliknite gumb gumb za izbiro načina (6), da izberete želeni način
prednastavljene temperature in pretok zraka.
4.4. Vnos prednastavljenega načina
- Izberite en prednastavljen način
- S pritiskanjem gumba (7), (8), (9), (10) nastavite želeno temperaturo in pretok zraka. Med
postopkom utripa simbol prednastavljenega vhoda (4.1).
- Nato pritisnite gumb za shranjevanje (5) pritisnjeno 2 sekundi, dokler simbol
prednastavljenega vhoda (4.1) ne izgine. Nova nastavitev temperature in pretoka zraka je
shranjena v prednastavljeni način za hitro selitev.
Ne držite orodja usmerjeno na eno točko predolgo, da preprečite vžiganje površine.
Izogibajte se zbiranju barve na pripomočku za strgalo, saj se lahko vname. Če je potrebno,
z nožem skrbno odstranite odstranjevanje barve iz pripomočka za strgalo.
5. Instruction for use and applications.
5.1. Removing paint/dissolving adhesives. Fit the flat nozzle. Soften the paint using hot air
and remove evenly using the spatula. Do not heat the paint for too long since this will burn the
paint, making it more difficult to remove. Many adhesives (e.g. stickers) become softer when
heated, allowing adhesive bonds to be separated and superfluous adhesive to be removed.
5.2. Removing paint form windows Glass can break easily. Always use the glass protection
nozzle. On profiled surfaces, paint can be removed using a spatula and brushed off using a
soft wire brush.
5.3. Shaping plastic tubing. Fit the reflector nozzle. To avoid kinking the tubing, fill the
tubing with sand and seal at both ends. Heat the tubing evenly by moving it from side to side.
5.4. Staining wood. Fit the flat nozzle. Hot air staining gives natural wood a rustic effect. Do
not hold the nozzle too close to the wood as this will color the wood unevenly. Carefully grind
off any singed wood fibres after-wards using fine emery paper.
5.5. Shrink fitting. Fit the reducing nozzle. Select a heat-shrinkable sleeve (see Accessories)
with a diameter matching that of the workpiece, e.g. cable lug. Heat the heat-shrinkable sleeve
5.6. Defrosting water pipes. Do not attempt to defrost PVC piping. Fit the reflector nozzle.
Always heat the frozen area inwards from the edge to the centre. Note: Water pipes are often
difficult to distinguish from gas pipes. Copper pipes are joined using tin and should therefore
not be heated above 200°C.
5.7. Other applications
- Drying paint, varnish color shade samples, filler, adhesives, construction joints and
stucco forms
- Removing stickers
- Defrosting of icy stairs and steps, door locks, trunk lids, car doors or water pipes, as well
as for defrosting ice boxes
- Welding of thermoplastic polymer, flooring materials of PVC and linoleum, PVC-coated
fabric, tarpaulins and foils
- Bending plastic pipes and sheets
- Soldering plumbing joints, tin, special silver solder, SMD elements, cable lugs
- Loosening rusted or tightly fastened nuts and bolts
- Removing old and even thick coatings of oil paint , lacquer, varnish and synthetic plaster
- Disinfection-With hot air of 600°C (Caution: Danger of fire! Do not heat up the wooden
surface excessively).
5.8. Stationary use
This tool can also be used in stationary mode.
- Place the tool onto the workbench.
- Secure the cable to prevent pulling the tool off the workbench.


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