Dualband r adio r ecei ver for wirel ess extensi on of a traditional alar m s ystem. It needs 12V DC supplied by a c ontrol panel and can wor k with all
Silentron wireless detec tors, givi ng out 4 alarm relays output, a tamper relay output and a super vision relay output.
The device allows a wireless protection on access, doors and windows by means of opening/shoc k detec tors SENSOR TOP and SENSOR
SLIM, infrared barrier LASERBEAM or waterproof SILENT PIR detector, for outdoor protection. R-Evolution 4 c an s tore up to 32 s elf-
programmi ng detectors di vided on 4 al arm z ones . Tes t and alarm of eac h z one are signalled by 4 red l eds.
Power supply: 10-14 V CC
Consumption: 40 mA standard
warnings: 4 zone leds
Input - output : look at logic board picture
K: ON-OFF input fr om c ontrol panel - programmableby dip-s witch2
A-B-C-D: free NC alar m output ( 0,1A max)
TAMPER: free NC anti-tamper alarm output (0,1A max) - look at note 1
RF: free NC antiscanner & super vision alar m output ( 0,1A max) - look at note 2
Radio receiver: superherodyne recei ver - s ensiti vity -105dbm - frequenc y about 400 MHz and 850 MHz - frequenc y and features accordi ng to
the R ules - appr ox. indication for sec urity r easons
Programmab le wireless detectors: 1 to 32 s elf-programming detectors on 4 alar m zones
Stock and op erating temperatur e 0°C +55°C
Protection degr ee: IP 41
1) alarm is given either when the housing of R-Evolution, or the housing of a programmed radi o detec tor is opened.
2) alarm is given from failed super vision signals (dip s witch 3 ON) even from a single detector, and latest after 8 hours. Li kewis e there will be
alarm when both the recei vers (dip s witch 4 ON) ar e saturated at the same time for over 1min.
3) connecti on of termi nal K will enable l ed memorization of occ urred alarm and its res et eac h ti me the control is armed. Program the input
polarity with dip s witc h 2. When ter minal K is not c onnected the device will work, but without led visualization of the alar m memor y.
For obtaining total deletion of possi bile detec tors previ ousl y programmed press S1 while suppl ying power.
Supply R-Evoluti on and press P1 pushbutton: in this mode we r eset all radio codes s tored in the devic e: led A will blink.
Press S2 to shift the zone A
Insert batter y into the first wireless detector: the l ed will light 5 s econds and buzzer will sound, c onfirming the right programming.
Insert batter y into the s econd wireless detector and s o on. When nec essar y, c hange the z one.
Reset of programm ed detectors:
press S1 jus t one sec ond to obtain the "programming s tatus" - sel ect the zone to reset by pressi ng S2 and press S1 just 10 sec onds. When led
switches off for 5 s ec. and buzzer sounds, all detectors on the zone are c anc elled.
To add detectors
press S1 just one sec ond to obtain the " programming status" , select the zone and ins ert battery into the detector.
For terminating programm ing:
press keys S1 and S2 at the s ame ti me.
all free c ontacts are NC and temporary open in c ase of alarm. The 5418 Sensor Silenya and 5015-16-17 Sensor Top c an be i nstalled with
"opening and closi ng door" func tion. In this c ase, if the door remains open, the rel ay output will be open all the ti me.
Low b atter y of wir eless detectors:
a warning radi o signal starts when the batter y is low and R-Evoluti on s ounds 5 BEEP and the led of the z one blinks. Moreover, t he buzz er
sounds at each arming-disar ming of the s ystem. Please change the batter y a.s.a.p . in order to avoid a supervision alarm.
Leds indications:
temporar y lighting = alar m
permanent lighting = al arm memor y
permanent blinking = low battery of a wireless detector
NOTE: in case of programming of remote controls PCK, it is c ompuls ory to exclude the s upervision functi on!
in the c hannels wher e remote controls and/or keypads have been programmed, it is not possible to program any detect or
Dimensions: 64x125x45h mm
D. Select the proper zone: the led will blink.
- TEST condition when dip-switc h 1 is ON
W eight: 90 g