Evaporator sensor
Condenser sensor
High/Low pressure
Voltage monitor
Alarm open door
Red alarm led and alarm relay
are activated; E2 and cold room
temperature are displayed
Red alarm led, and alarm relay
are activated; E3 and cold room
temperature are displayed
If the condensing temperature
exceeds a factory pre-set value,
red alarm led is activated; AH3
is displayed in the alarm menu.
Each time high or low pressure
switch trips, the red alarm led is
activated. If more than 10 trips
occur in 1 hour, then the unit is
turned off automatically. The
alarm relay is activated, nPA is
displayed in the alarm menu. To
reset the unit turn it off and then
on again.
The voltage monitor is an
electronic device which checks
the supply voltage of the unit.
When voltage variations exceed
+/- 12% the device activates
the red led and the alarm led.
EA is displayed in the alarm
menu. The unit stops for about
6 minutes and restarts
automatically if voltage is within
the prescribed limits.
Warning: On first starting the
monitor carries out a counting
phase of 7 minutes, during
which the unit should be left
connected but in OFF
Türalarm – der Türkontakt ist
länger als 60 min. geöffnet
Gerät läuft wieder an.
Faulty sensor.
Sensor with wrong
Faulty sensor.
Sensor with wrong
Dirty condenser.
Check condenser fan
functioning, Check
condenser cleaning and
gas charge.
Wrong supply voltage.
Replace sensor.
Replace sensor.
Clean condenser.
Switch off the refrigerating
unit, wait a few seconds
and switch on again.