The assembly EAntenna EA4J is practical and simple. In a few steps you can have the antenna mounted.
The plates (EA010089 and EA010089.1) consisting of 6 holes each. The EA010089.1 is threaded and EA010089 has holes where they need to
go screws inserted tubes positioned 35mm diameter (EA4J#1 and EA4J#2).
Binding to the plate can be easily identified, because the tube have an mark at 20cm fix to the tube diameter of 30mm and other 3 with hose
The first step is to insert the DIN 912 M6X60 screws on the plates. The screw head should be housed on the plate EA010089, so that the screw
thread on the EA010089.1 plate.
Once full threaded all 6 screws, the last step is putting on the DIN 985 M6 nuts to fully secure the plates to the elements cough.
DIN 912 M6X60
DIN 985 M6