798 MPT Titrino
ON means that the Titrino reports automatically the moment the correspond-
ing change occurs.
Global switch for all set AutoInfo.
PowerOn: Simulation of power on ( Not from mains.
Messages from node .T, Titrator:
Ready: Status 'Ready' has been reached.
Go: Instrument has been started.
GoCommand: Instrument (or submethod in TIP) has received a go
Stop: Status 'Stop' has been reached.
Begin of sequence (or submethod).
Final: End of determination (or submethod), the final steps will be
carried out.
Error. Message together with error number, see page 73ff.
Hold: Status 'Hold' has been reached.
Continue: Continue after hold.
Conditioning OK: EP reached (in SET with conditioning).
Conditioning Not OK: EP not reached (in SET with conditioning).
Request: In the inquiry of an identification or the sample size after
start of titration.
SiloEmpty: Silo empty, i.e. the last line has been removed from
the silo memory.
MeasList: Entry in the measuring point list (with DET, MET, SET,
EPList: Entry into EP list (with DET, MET, SET)
Results have been recalculated.
Messages from node .C, Comport:
COM1: A report is outputted on COM1. During this time, COM2
will be blocked. COM2 is generally blocked, if COM1 is busy.
COM1 is ready again. (Comes also when you <QUIT> an error.)
.C.B2, .R2 Identical for COM2.
Messages for changings in the I/O lines. If the changings are made simulta-
neously, there is 1 message. Pulses receive 2 messages: one message each
for line active and inactive.
Input: Change of an input line.
Output: Change of an output line (except 7, pin 2, for recorder
If a change occurs that requires a message, the Titrino sends space (ASCII
32) and ! as an introducer. This is followed by the name of the device (see Special ASCII characters in the device name are ignored. If no de-
vice name has been entered, only ! is sent. Finally the Titrino sends the infor-
mation which node has triggered the message.
Example: !John".T.Si": The message was triggered from instrument "John",
node .T.Si Setup.Graphics.Grid
Change in the appearance and the format of the curve for the output. The set-
tings are valid for both Titrino COM ports.
3.2 Remote control commands
Full, Auto