Setting brightness and sleep
1. Go to the Tools #2 screen (Menu
Brightness/Sleep screen.
2. Select the required settings for brightness and
sleep. Press "Apply" to save the settings.
• Brightness(Active):
Brightness of LCD touch panel in the normal state. Adjust the slide bar or enter a numerical value into the
input box. Settable range: 50
100; factory setting: 80.
• Sleep:
Lowers brightness of the LCD touch panel to save electricity during periods of inactivity.
Sleep function is turned ON or OFF using the slide key. Enter a value to set the time before sleep mode
occurs. Settable range: 1 minute–5 minutes; factory setting: 2 minutes.
Note: It is not possible to operate any key when the LCD panel is in sleep mode. Touching the panel
releases the sleep mode and allows normal operation.
• Brightness(Sleep):
Brightness of LCD touch panel during sleep mode. Adjust the slide bar or enter a numerical value into the
input box. Settable range: 0–50; factory setting: 20.