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Dimplex LCM Serie Guia De Inicio Rapido
Dimplex LCM Serie Guia De Inicio Rapido

Dimplex LCM Serie Guia De Inicio Rapido


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Linear Convector Baseboard
LCM Series
When using electrical appliances, basic precautions should always
be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury to per-
son, including the following:
Read all instructions before using this linear convector base-
Heater and controls should be installed by a qualified contractor.
Wiring procedures and connections should be in accordance
with the National Electric Code (CEC & NEC) and local codes.
A linear convector baseboard has hot and arcing or sparking
parts inside. Do not use it in areas where gasoline, paint or flam-
mable liquids are used or stored.
This linear convector baseboard is hot when in use. To avoid
burns, do not let bare skin touch hot surfaces. Keep combustible
materials such as: furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes
and curtains away from linear convector baseboard.
To prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes or exhaust in
any manner. Do not use on soft surfaces like a bed where open-
ings may become blocked.
Do not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilation or
exhaust opening as this may cause an electric shock or fire, or
damage the linear convector baseboard.
Do not install these linear convector baseboards against com-
bustible, low density cellulose fibre surfaces or vinyl wallpaper.
Do not locate these linear convector baseboards below any elec-
trical convenience receptacles.
Check baseboard nameplate ratings to be sure linear convec-
tor baseboard voltage is the same as the service supply. (The
nameplate is located below the right side of the heating element.)
Installation Instructions
Linear convector baseboards are high performance heaters designed
to operate at higher outlet temperatures than conventional baseboard
heaters. They can be directly mounted onto drywall, plaster, wood or
concrete walls. Due to the higher outlet temperature, the wall surface
can reach temperatures of 138º F (59º C) and some materials may
discolor or deform at these temperatures, e.g. vinyl or plastic.
NOTE: If the unit is being installed on a newly constructed wall,
ensure that all products that have been applied are fully cured accord-
ing to manufacturer's instructions, before operating the unit.
NOTE: Any objects or materials that are located within the distances
outlined below should not discolor, nor distort dimensionally (stretch
or shrink) upon extended exposure ( up to 1000 hrs.) to temperatures
of 200º F (93º C).
For most satisfactory operation of the heaters and minimum effect on
drapes, furniture and objects in close proximity, the following recom-
mendations should be observed:
1. Full Length Drapes: Hang drapes so there is at least 1.5" (3.8 cm)
between the top of the drapes and the ceiling, at least 1.5" (3.8 cm)
between the bottom of the drapes and the finished floor covering
(such as carpet, if used) AND at least 3" (7.6 cm) between the front
vertical surface of the heater and the nearest fold of the drapes
(opened drape). (Figure 1A)
2. Shorter Length Drapes: Hang drapes so there is at least 1.5" (3.8
cm) between the top of the drapes and the ceiling, and at least 6"
(15.3 cm), preferably more, between the bottom of the drapes and
the top horizontal surface of the heater. (Figure 1B)
3. Furniture: Place furniture no closer than 3" (7.62 cm) from the front
of the linear convector baseboard. (Figure 1D)
Figure 1
1.5" (3.8 cm)
1.5" (3.8 cm)
6" (15.3 cm)
1.5" (3.8cm)
3" (7.6 cm)
4. Overhanging Solid Objects (Except Plastic): Position Baseboard
so there is at least 10" (25.4 cm) between the top of the heater and
any solid object that obstructs or redirects the vertical air flow out
of the top of the unit. (Figure 1C)
5. Overhanging Plastic Objects: All Plastic items that cannot with-
stand extended exposure to temperatures 60º C or higher should
be kept a minimum of 14" (35.6 cm) above the unit. (Figure 1C)
NOTE: Ensure that when 2 linear convector baseboards are in-
stalled near the same corner they are both a minimum of 6" (15.3 cm)
from the corner.
All linear convector baseboards have provisions for connection to ei-
ther end of the linear convector baseboard. The lead wires at either
end are factory spliced with wire nuts as a closed circuit. The circuit
may be opened at either wire nut connection to make connections
to the power supply and/or to the desired controls. (See Wiring Dia-
CONTROLS (not included
A thermostat control (wall mounted or built-in) is required to operate
this unit. Typical Dimplex controls:
• Built-in thermostat kits: DTK-SP, DTK-DP, DTKT-SP or DTKT-DP
• External
HTC521W, HTC525W, HTC621W or HTC625W
• Built-in low voltage relay: BLLVCxx or BLLVD
WARNING: Disconnect power supply before installation to pre-
vent electric shock.
1. Unpack and place the baseboard on floor face down and tear open
end of carton, use packaging to protect floor, if required.
NOTE: Heater fins can be easily bent. For optimal performance
ensure that they remain vertical.
2. Orient unit in desired location and mark pilot holes - top and bottom
at both ends and at least one set in middle.
3. Remove rear cable clamp and wire unit as per diagrams on page
6 and National and Local Electrical Codes.
CAUTION: Connect heaters to a branch circuit used only for
permanently installed heater and protected by over current devices
rated or set at no more than 30A. The total connected load should
not be more than 80% of the rating of the over current devices. It may
cause a fire hazard if not installed and maintained in accordance with
these instructions.
4. Position linear convector baseboard, pushing cable back into wall
(or conduit), run screws through pre-selected mounting holes and
spacers (if applicable), using appropriate wall anchors, if necessary.
NOTE: Screw should be backed off 1/2 turn from snug position to
allow free expansion and contraction of housing and to ensure quiet
5. Replace covers on unit, and reinstall rear cable clamp.
NOTE: Install the center cover first, by installing the top first, then
the bottom.
3" (7.6 cm)
See Item 4 & 5
for Dimension
3" (7.6 cm)



Resumen de contenidos para Dimplex LCM Serie

  • Página 1 CONTROLS (not included A thermostat control (wall mounted or built-in) is required to operate PLACEMENT OF THE LINEAR CONVECTOR BASE- this unit. Typical Dimplex controls: BOARD • Built-in thermostat kits: DTK-SP, DTK-DP, DTKT-SP or DTKT-DP Linear convector baseboards are high performance heaters designed •...
  • Página 2 Any claims under this Warranty must be submitted in writing to the Ser- tains no moving parts little maintenance is required beyond vacuum vice Manager, Dimplex North America Ltd., 1367 Industrial Rd., Cambridge, cleaning. It is however essential that the linear convector baseboard Ontario N1R 7G8, Canada.
  • Página 3 ºC) ou plus doivent être installés à au moins 14 po (35,6 cm) de Les appareils de chauffage Dimplex ont été conçus et testés pour un l’appareil. (Figure 1C) fonctionnement sans problème. Tous les appareils de chauffage Dim- NOTE: Si 2 plinthe-convecteurs linéaires sont installées près d’un...
  • Página 4 être soumise par écrit au directeur par la garantie. Le mauvais usage ou la réparation de l’appareil par une du service à la clientèle à : Dimplex North America Limited, 1367 Industrial personne autre qu’un membre du personnel autorisé par le fabricant sans l’autorisation écrite de ce dernier annulera la présente garantie.
  • Página 5 3" (7,6 cm) Esta garantía es transferible por el comprador consumidor original del pro- ducto. Todo reclamo bajo esta garantía se debe presentar por escrito al Gerente de Servicio, Dimplex North America Ltd., 1367 Industrial Rd., Cam- bridge, Ontario N1R 7G8, Canadá.
  • Página 6: Wiring Instructions/ Instructions De Raccordement / Instrucciones Para El Cableado

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